Question about GameCube Controller Plugin for Project64
2 months ago
United States

Idk if this the place to ask this but I've been speedrunning on Project64 1.7 using a GameCube controller plugin but idk if what I've been using is legal or goes against the Controller and Controller Adapter rules. the plugin I'm using is from the video provided and the image provided is my settings for the controller plugin (my main concern is the Analog Settings in the bottom right, I haven't changed them, but I have changed the Button settings cause they were a bit messed up). My question is if what I'm doing is legal or not, and if not what can I do to change it or are there better alternatives to use a GameCube controller to speedrun on PJ64. Also if what I'm doing turns out to be against the rules than I'll like to apologize cause my two runs that I've posted here use this plugin and these settings, I don't mind if my runs are removed from the leaderboard cause of this I just want to make sure I'm not doing anything that is against the rules.![](/static/blob/7z38rw6n.png)

United States

编辑者 作者 2 months ago
United States

Hey - sorry for late reply as I missed this at first, but you should be good. You're allowed to change the input plugin on PJ64 so long as your other settings are default, and controller-wise you basically just need to avoid mapping control stick values to a button, which it looks like you're not doing. Remapping normal buttons is fine, and tweaking analog settings should be fine too so long as you still retain access to all normal movement. (deadzone > ess > walking > running.)

Worth mentioning we also allow Dolphin emulator emulating the WiiVC version (with specific required settings which can be found in the rules) which many people prefer since it's more accurate to Wii than PJ is to N64, so you could always give that a shot too if you don't end up liking PJ64. Lastly I'm not sure if you're in the OoT discord, but I highly recommend joining and asking questions there since not many people read these forums in comparison.

Twitch Highlights no longer allowed for submissions

Hello all,

We're sure you've heard about the troubling news from Twitch by now. Anyone who has more than 100 hours of Highlights saved on Twitch, will have anything going over that limit automatically removed on April 19th. This means that if you've submitted Twitch highlights on Speedrun.c

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