Create category by console
1 year ago
Québec City, QC

I think we need to split categories by console because the PSX gives a huge speed advantage over the SNES.

Krayzar, Sheex, Dragondarch 喜欢这个
United States

It's also, to put it plainly, a very different game, like I've stated in my research thread.

There's 4 distinct versions of Ogre Battle that are runnable:

Saturn Playstation SNES SNES Nintendo Power Kiosk

You can make an argument for the SNES:NP version being similar enough, but the others, not so much.

Each have very different RNG schemes and game speeds, as well as some tweaks to spells, tarot, and resistances, including especially the PSX version's buggy implementation of resistances that make them both completely broken and easily manipulatable to make characters invincible.

If it were merely an issue of speed, I wouldn't care, but it's not.

Québec City, QC

Exactly. I wouldn't mind running in each category. But I find it odd not to separate them.

Krayzar 喜欢这个
Washington, USA

Yea, I am making this change to the leaderboard now.

I can of need to gather information on whether people were running on Playstation 4, Nintendo Power Kiosk etc.

northrex 喜欢这个
Washington, USA

So I automatically put "No Manip" for all the runs right now. If Manip was used then might want to re-submit. Any of the new mods can check for that, If I have time I will look over the runs and see if Manip is being used.

I have no way to tell what console people are using other then the version SNES, Playstation or Sega Saturn. If they are playing on Wii VC for Snes or if they are playing on playstation 1-5 I have no way to tell. Load times would be a give away but I can't tell other then that

Krayzar northrex 喜欢这个
Québec City, QC

that's good, that's already a good improvement in my opinion. Thanks!

United States

Just having things separated into Console is wonderful! Thanks!

I don't believe anyone but @bizarreluck and I ever ran PS1. Or anything else other than SNES NA.