New page?
4 years ago
Utah, USA

I am assuming this is a brand new page for speedrunning NWC as a lot of these runs it says as of today say today or a day ago. Is this true?

Utah, USA

Also on top of this I am just asking but I would like to be a mod. I would like to help out. especially with Mario. But if the mods dont agree I dont have to be one, I'm just asking. I would like to be a verifier mainly. Thanks!

United States

It got accepted in SRC yesterday. Also I’d love for you to be a mod!

United States

I can’t add you as a mod for some reason.. it’s says something about how you need to configure an email or something like thst

United States

I have a question: beat Tetris. What does that mean? In NWC you cannot "beat" Tetris, but in the real Tetris cart the only way to "beat" it is type B. I'm just curious what this rule means.

Are you folks open to any category suggestions? I plan on running this tonight and would love to explore new ways to do so.

I'd also love to help out with being a mod if possible. My resume includes moderating a ton of games including "The Legend of Zelda" .

AriesFireTiger x3non 喜欢这个
He/Him, They/Them
4 years ago

@JSR_ I guess just die as fast as possible, to finish the game

dlloyd10 喜欢这个
United States

Yea just die as fast as possible

United States

Just my 2 cents, but why not make a goal for Tetris that can be realistically met in an RTA scenario? Get 5 or 10 lines, get x points, etc.? Something like that that will allow Tetris to be a part of the challenge?

When I run this tonight I'd like to try that category out, but with a 10 line goal, to prove the concept. I think this way, the true challenge of the NWC would be honored, rather than an arbitrary end game that takes zero skill :)

United States

Hmmm I think getting 5 or 10 lines could work out I’ll change the rules, besides, there’s no runs of the category anyway

United States

...yet ;)

He/Him, They/Them
4 years ago

what about 4 lines? (get 1 tetris)

Utah, USA

@Skeeter I will figure out whats wrong. And then you can add me.

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