general consensus on timing, etc.?
9 years ago
Illinois, USA

bit of a explanation on my part: i'm trying to keep runs that go above #88 (i'm planning on getting a few runs in soon to update my run), and for the time being, what do you guys think that we should do for the following in future runs:

timing - time ends on sitting on the throne OR as the cutscene starts? and should the in-game timer be allowed/used as a source of time for records? or just keep it as real time to decide?

categories - are there any more categories that we could add?

rules - do we have to change anything in 1 char or 12 char? i think that the rules there are fine as is, but there is always room for changes if anything comes up in future updates.

sorry for my absence and not really anything with streaming. i've been moderating the runs and i plan to give mod to a few people that are active on here. i want to start streaming again soon/recording runs, so hopefully we (the 4-5 of us on here) can discuss things about time, etc.

thanks for reading.

New Jersey, USA

Off topic, but did you coincidentally make me a mod at the same time I asked to be a mod? Thats spooky.

Illinois, USA

i actually modded you a few minutes prior to your post which i thought was pretty funny

New Jersey, USA

Timing- I like when you sit on the throne. In the current update (94) there is some sort of bug that doesn't allow you to actually sit on the throne, so there's that. A lot of games call the run over once the gameplay stops, and that is essentially when it ends in this game. Clicking through the credits at the end seems kinda pointless, but thats just my opinion.

Categories- So Binding of Isaac has a few categories for different amounts of characters. I believe they are 1,7,10 and 11. It's pretty intimidating to do a 12 character run, considerein that if you get halfway through and get stuck on eyes or something, then you have to start over from scratch. I like the idea of a 6-8 character run so its an overall smaller time sink when you mess up halfway through. Also maybe a no oasis run or no weapon pickup run could be interesting as well.

Rules- Everything seems fine to me.

Don't sweat it man, you've been doing a great job moderating so far and I can't wait to see your future runs.

Illinois, USA

what about a 6 character category where you can choose whichever 6 characters you want?

i think that would be cool. it would allow for more diversity in character picks and to see who would be fastest rather than just having to watch steroids every single 1 char run (seriously, why does he have to be so broken man :C).

Virginia, USA

6 character runs definitely seem like a good category to add. It offers a middle ground for people who want to do more than your ordinary 1 character run, but don't want to put so much time into a 12 character run which could be exhausting (especially with such high RNG). We could have a no skips category, but I'm not entirely sure how often people would run this when it's just a few more levels and some extra time.

As for timings, I'm entirely for 1 character runs being timed by the in-game timer. As long as pausing is not abused, it rids the extremely inconsistent loading times and also includes mutation times. With this in mind, starting and stopping shouldn't be an issue in 1 character runs. If we ultimately decide on Out-Of-Game timings, then it should start when Go is pressed, and end when the character sits on the throne (hopefully fixed soon). Until it is fixed, just estimate based off of other runs.

All runs that are not done with 1 character (6, 12, etc.) should be recorded Out-Of-Game, and should start when Go is pressed, and end when the last character sits on the throne.

Edit: I cleaned up the rules for both current runs, so feel free to check them out. I did not add or remove any rules, just organized it so it's cleaner.

Illinois, USA

i kind of like the idea of keeping 1 char on in-game time as well. for the other runs, we should definitely keep it on real time.

another thing i wanted to bring up about the runs recorded, do we want to just wipe all runs after the game leaves the alpha/beta? or do we want to keep runs around that (assuming they don't have anything super game changing)?

one of the reasons i've kept a few of the older runs on the page is because i wanted the game to atleast have some sort of a leaderboard, you know?

Virginia, USA

When the game is fully released, as long as there is nothing seriously differentiating itself and the game a few updates behind, then I think we should keep those runs.

If everyone's okay with timing In-Game now, then all we should have to do is change the rule and the order the timings are in on the leaderboard, right? I'm all for it.

Illinois, USA

yeah, let's change the rule for in-game time on 1 char. i'm not sure how we can change the game to have in-game timer for a category only.

Virginia, USA

Yeah, I can set it to In-Game time by default, but I can't get rid of Real-Time or move it to the right side instead. I'll look into it more.

Edit: That's the best I can get it. Time Without Loads is In-Game time (which is essentially what that is), and Time With Loads is Real Time. I had to edit each run to get the proper values, and I think it's good like that. But if you guys would rather it be the other way, I still have all the values saved so I can revert it back at anytime.

Edit 2: Should we use milliseconds since In-Game timer records milliseconds anyways?

Illinois, USA

i don't think we should use milliseconds. unless runs are THAT super close i don't think using milliseconds is necessary. thank you for adding that in by the way.

Virginia, USA

No problem! If we ever do get runs that are super close, we'll base it off of milliseconds. Having said that, I think we're in pretty good shape now when it comes to timings and rules.

Illinois, USA

yeah. now all we gotta do is wait for the runs and we can go from there.

thanks for all the help guys. i'll keep this thread up incase anyone new comes along and has any ideas.

The new rules sound great. Keeping old runs when the game fully released would definitely depend on how much the game has changed. Honestly I'm really looking forward to the 6 and 12 character runs. The 1 character run is fun and quick, but a lot of RNG is needed for a good run. I'm also glad that the old runs were removed - the throne has changed a lot since then.

New Jersey, USA

I personally believe that once the game is released, every run should be removed if the consensus is that the earlier versions of the game gave an unfair advantage to those runs. If not, then I see no reason to remove them.

Illinois, USA

i agree with cranberry. unless the game changes in such a huge way that it needs to be that all runs are reset then we can do it easily but i think we should try to avoid it at all costs.

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