4 years ago
Washington, USA

So this game looks pretty fun and I want to give it a shot. Going to make some notes for shopping and what not before I do. I was wondering if the re-rolling employee is rng or do you get the same result every time?

California, USA

everything in this game is rng. it's great.

no idea what the stats do except competence, which at 2 or more lets you clean up messes without a broom for the price of an additional text box instead of the 10 hp sacrifice. the rest apparently affect the overworld according to oats, the dev. I think he said the thing at the bottom that's like chill or scarred or whatever affects your run away or encounter chance, but he was pretty vague when I asked.

Washington, USA

Full on RNG eh :monkaS: oh well, still going to put together some loose notes to help me run it haha. I guess the idea would be to get a character with at least 2 competence then. Is it possible for your first character to have the stats necessary?

California, USA

I just use attendant cause camera synergy, but waitress and dog are decent. never used security guard much cause access to bullets is kinda non-existent until later in the game. still faster to just have brooms tbh than to not, less text boxes and you have to buy them anyway to get the waiter and some good items in the overworld.

Jadusable2 喜欢这个
Washington, USA

Gotcha. Yeah it seems like using the camera is good because of stunlocking enemies.

发布于 3 years ago
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发布于 4 years ago
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