N64 Emulator? Also, possible fastest version?
7 years ago

Hi everyone. So, I'm looking to learn this game pretty soon and would be doing so via an emulator. I was wondering if there was a reason why the rules state that only the PS emulator can be used?

The N64 version has the option to turn off the adrenaline bar, so you'd never have to worry about having to engage enemies in order to keep your health from depleting. I'm not sure the exact differences but the platforming elements were apparently made easier on the N64 port, and then there's the removal of movies and the different load screens. I'm not sure if the latter is faster or not, but I would think that unless there currently are (or would be) glitches or exploits that are PS exclusive, the N64 port should be the one that would be the fastest.

But that's besides the point, is the N64 emulator just not allowed for an arbitrary reason? If so, could the rules be changed so that runs can be submitted on one?


Varldin, as we talked together, i ve redesign the leaderboard with subcatories ;) Now we should talk about rules ans stuff if you re ok

Also, i removed levels leaderboard for the moment.

编辑者 作者 7 years ago

Cool :)

Well, I've yet to actually grind the game or anything, I've just watched the WR video on youtube and I've played through the game again to re familiarize myself with it. Rules wise I saw OfficialTodayWePlay (who has the WR video on youtube) start the time on Start Game. I feel like the timer could also start when you select the character instead. But the time between those are pretty much insignificant so I don't think it matters a whole lot. If anything it's just semantics on when the game technically starts.

As for timing, in the WR video he ends when he decapitates Crowley. But there's still one more input afterward, you can select Save Level and Continue and then the credits roll. Personally I think the time should end after you select that, I know of a number of other games that don't end until the last input is made. That just kind of makes sense to me shrug

I'm unaware of anything that should be banned or regulated. Since it doesn't seem anything aside from a few out of bounds clips have been found, but not implemented. In the future if we were to discover a bunch of things then I suppose we could talk about separating categories more by having glitchless added.

The only other thing isn't related to the games themselves. I don't think 100% is a category that works for the game. Like I said when I messaged you, the game doesn't record your inventory or kills anywhere. That is, it doesn't record things like collecting 6/20 pistols, or weapon upgrades, etc. Thinking of other games, things that don't get recorded somewhere in-game usually aren't requirements for a 100% category. Unless you feel otherwise, I think Any% and 100% should be removed and we just have Ignatius and Nadia categorized into Easy and Hard, with the timer ending when you enter the credits after defeating Adan Crowley.

Oh, and if that emulator you showed me works, we could add that those are allowed on the leaderboard.

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