Boss Kill in 0m 18s 183ms by
Goumang, 18.20 seconds, done on PS5. (Start Frame: Boss HP enter, End Frame: Impact Frame)
Qi Blast (Spell Style) was used. Mob Quell - Yin (2), Last Stand (2), Steely (2), Stasis (2), and Swift Blade (2) Jades were used. Shadow Hunter (Arrow Type) was used.
Run breakdown in YouTube description.
FPS Cap rule changes (22 Feb 2025)
Hi everyone
Upon discussion it was decided that runs for all categories, will have a lower cap of 60FPS, for both Capped and Uncapped restrictions. This should make the runs more accessible in terms of installation, no need for external software, and any FPS changes that need to be done can be done
关卡: Memories of Battle: Eigong