Question: Any Updated Guidance on SNES Single Game Victory speed runs?
9 months ago
United States

I am looking to do speedrunning on NBA Jam SNES version. I last did an NBA Jam SNES speed run about 3 years ago. Is there any updated guidance regarding the following settings?

  • Timer Speed
  • Drone Difficulty
  • Tag Mode
  • Computer Assistance

I want to make sure I am following the rules and the spirit of speedrunning for this game.

United States

that is a very good question. I am unfamiliar with a lot of the settings in the game. I wish I could add you and JakVeneno as mods, but only a super mod can do that. I am going to step down from this game and quite a few others that I mod, I do not having the time I used to, to dedicated to this site. If you or anyone else is interested in modding the game, reach out to the site mods and have them add you. Have them remove the current super mod due to inactivity as well.

编辑者 作者 8 months ago
Dominican Republic

I am down , i will write to them, no problem. I am looking forward to it and also maybe opening up a Difficulty run, and also computer assistance on. Which just makes the game ridiculously hard and so much challenging, so lets look forward to that.

As to settings: Well with 'Timer Speed' obviously theres nothing much to think of there, For the single game speedrun you would go for the fastest timer and for the 100pts the slowest. The only enforced rules are no unlockeable characters. So you are free to use whatever you want. You want computer assistance off because we know that this is how the game "cheats" against you. There was a whole video on youtube about this, its ridiculous OP for the CPU if you have that on.

编辑者 作者 9 months ago
United States

Thank you both for your insight on this. I am actually doing a quick NBA Jam run during the SNES Super Stars 2024 Marathon today. It was helpful getting a bit of practice with the settings you specified.