Softlock on AI turn and Exit to Main Menu
My recent run got rejected after I exited to main menu after I got stuck on ai turn with a glitch. If that happens in future, would my run be verifiable if I used an alt-f4 and reloaded the entire game?
any reloads mid-campaign will invalidate the run. this applies to all categories. no save states / save games are permitted. the tricolore+ category is a special case as campaigns are stacked, however the same applies. should the game softlock, which is still quite rare, unfortunately that means the run cannot continue. allowing any kind of reload just creates too many verification issues.
Aw man. Time to run the gauntlet of crashes and glitches. It’s fine though because I’d lose time anyways on a reload.
关卡: Battles
关卡: Battles
关卡: Battles
关卡: Battles