Question from my daughter
7 years ago
Maryland, USA

Silly question here but my daughter has asked me over and over to post this question. When you enter acid worm area of Kraid there are two sets of side hoppers in the first room but when you come back through one set is missing. Anyone no why that is? Keep in mind this is a question from a 7 year old lol!

noisepolice, StarFalco64, AquaBlake 喜欢这个
United Kingdom

Your daughter (future speedrunner?) raises a good point. I tested this and it turns out that the event flag that turns on the ziplines in Kraid also despawns those two sidehoppers. Why? Who knows! There are a few other examples of event flags affecting enemy spawns, but usually it's to make more enemies later in the game. It's possible that the developers wanted to make it less likely for people to die on the way back from acid worm, since there is no save point immediately after beating the boss.

Feel free to post any more questions she has, maybe she'll find early power bombs next.

StarFalco64, Greeneeguy, AquaBlake 喜欢这个
Maryland, USA

Thanks a lot brother. You certainly made her day answering that for her. She's now on the hunt for early power bombs lolz

noisepolice, mobiusman, StarFalco64 喜欢这个
North Carolina, USA

She sounds friggin' awesome lol

Bisalina Greeneeguy 喜欢这个
Chicago, IL, USA

Saw this while scrolling through the forums looking for something else. I believe the idea is that those 2 sidehoppers grow larger and become the ones seen in the upper left part of kraid

pollsmor 喜欢这个
Nintendo Switch Online allowed for Speedruns

Hey everyone,

the newly released Nintendo Switch Online version has been added as a platform for Speedruns. The game rules have been updated. If you want to perform a speedrun on NSO, you should carefully read the rules regarding NSO and follow the instructions.

Have fun on your next mission!

8 months ago