Heya folks! I wanted to extend an invite to anyone in the community who is not already in the Discord server to join us so that you can help shape the future of this board! We're just approved a BUNCH of new run categories which reflect some of the in-game achievements, and if you'd like to request others (or participate in future voting) this is a great place to do so!
Here's an invite link: https://discord.gg/3JSzGFH7GS
NOBODY IS REQUIRED TO JOIN THE DISCORD SERVER TO ACCESS OUR SPEEDRUNNING RESOURCES FOR THIS GAME. We will do our best to make this space as useful to y'all as we can, and as the rules for the speedrun change they're also going to be available in an active and up-to-date google doc (in addition to being listed in each category). You can view this document by clicking this link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19G1rUHTH4RXISH-ou5kD1q7eJUL5sSW129IUMxWg0CY/edit?usp=sharing
Heya folks,
It's been a while since there's been an update to the board, but there's been several important updates to the game which require us to do so. Rules for all impacted categories/characters have been updated accordingly. Here's the TLDR:
- The new elfin BetaGo is banned due to its ab