Any possibilities on new Run Categories?
7 years ago
Ontario, Canada

Now that the MKX Categories have become vacant for awhile I was wondering if we could try to give it a little Spark by adding a new Category or 2. I was thinking Test Your Might and Test Your Luck Categories would be a nice addition to the Games Categories. (Maybe make Kotal Kahn Banned in that category so there is a more diverse Cast to Speedrun).

Anyways let me know if you are interested and I will do some Practice runs in the meantime.

Practice Run

编辑者 作者 7 years ago
New South Wales, Australia

If enough people want to. No point adding categories if only 1 person will submit.

TheKombatKing 喜欢这个
Ontario, Canada

Yah makes sense well If anyone wants a new category you should post a vid of your speedrun so we can see how many people are interested. I'll Update my main post w/ a Test Your Luck Speedrun.

United States

this doesn't seem so bad. it'll be much more rng heavy which kind of sucks. its basically "hey i got better time because my tower was nicer" but i wouldn't mind it to be honest. Even banning Kotal doesn't seem like a bad idea. Id be down for both of these speedrun categories.

New South Wales, Australia

Yeah I really don't see the point of running Test your might lol.

Itd be like only speedrunning the QTE sections in Storymode.

编辑者 作者 7 years ago
Ontario, Canada

Well I think it would work as button mashing is a skill some possess much better than others. It would def. be different and give more variety to the game. As for Test your Luck being RNG it can be a Miscellaneous category if we don't want to consider it too serious. Also I do believe Kotal should be banned. No point in having the same exact strats for different categories.

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