Any tips for this game?
2 years ago

I'm currently learning to speedrun this game (gotta say, it's pretty fun :D), do you have any tips or recommendations? I currently know these: -Don't charge Brand's weapon too much -Try to attack Countershade every time you see him in his stage to finish it as fast as possible -NEVER start on Mic's stage as you can't beat it with your basic pea shooter only -Ground dash is faster than air dash

Päijät-Häme, Finland

Brands regular charge doesn't seem to have that much use, but the downward slash certainly helps with Dynatron.

During Countershade stage you want to first just leave shade alone so he goes to the beginning room and then start attacking.

I think you can defeat Mic with just a buster but yeah... Bat is a better starting point imo.

Ground dash is generally faster I think yeah.

Other than that: 9 Lives is useful for practice and early runs. Trinity might be a difficult one at first, but becomes a lot more doable with the boost that the bots give you after a few deaths.

And feel free to ask more if you come up with more questions.

Ultimatedogfan 喜欢这个

Thanks :D

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