permit brstms only for item rain and 200cc runs
5 months ago
Vatican City

as item rain and 200cc are gamemodes made after the Vanilla Settings ( rules were made, i think there should be a revision to this including these two modes. this batch of settings was made before the two gamemodes even existed and thus it seems unfair to hold them to rules created before their existence.

game audio edits in specific and textures do not affect gameplay and several (many) runs already exist on leaderboards with these. these rules make sense for vanilla-accessible modes (150cc, no skips/skips, karts only, etc.) as it maintains the integrity of the game, but upholding this for modded runs (item rain and 200cc) will only serve to kill off activity, discourage people from playing, and is an unnecessary and outdated regulation.

i also think that since these rules were created before these categories existed, they need revision and retroactive correction.

another reasoning for saying this is because this is actually the ruleset the remainder of the TT and comp community use. the rule is that mystuff cannot be used for vanilla game runs (150cc), but is okay for CTGP tracks, and 200cc/otherwise modded RTs. if a mode is present in the vanilla game, it must be vanilla standards. if not, it is flexible. this is because these are not vanilla modes and thus holding them to the vanilla standard is inaccurate. this is also why i think this change should be implemented here too- anything present in the vanilla MKWii disc should be held to vanilla standards. anything not present should have revised rules like 150cc CT and 200cc RT/CT time trials do.

it is likely that charlocharlie had this in mind but never felt the need to clarify as he was the only one approving runs, as he always approved with these specific rules in place that ive proposed

i hope this makes sense!

编辑者 作者 5 months ago
Maruigi123, kahvii, ManaKatti 喜欢这个
Vatican City

also if runs that use mystuff are no longer permitted and that ends up final, then mods would retroactively have to remove dozens of runs from leaderboards which were previously accepted

Maruigi123 ManaKatti 喜欢这个
Washington, USA

custom brstm edits only affect the loading times if i remember correctly

cowmaam 喜欢这个
Vatican City
删除者 作者
Québec City, QC

I am currently working on a rewrite of the rules as the new super mod. Give me a few weeks.

New upload rules

Twitch has recently announced that effective April 19, 2025, they will be imposing a 100-hour storage limit on Uploads and Highlights, and if surpassed, Twitch will automatically remove highlights/uploads to stay under the limit.

Going forward, all runs requiring video should be submitted with a vi

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