Current 100% Category
2 years ago

I know im not the only one that thinks the current 100% ruleset doesn't represent an actual 100% completion of this game.

The current requirements are:

  • Defeat Demon Shinnok
  • Unlock all special moves

You cant do the first step, without the second, so its just Defeat Demon Shinnok Lets just start by pointing out that there is nothing stated about the earth god skip and the second Scorpion fight

Doing this ruleset optimally means that you do any% but collect 4 urns and do a bit of exp farm, then just Defeat Demon Shinnok, you could name this category Bloopers, its VERY similar to Any%

So, i think a better representation would be:

  • Defeat All Bosses ( Scorpion 2 Included )
  • Collect all Items

What do we do with Sareena? You trade a Fatality for a Cutscene, doing the fatality here can help you get the last bit of experience needed to unlock the final special move as you will land a few extra hits on Quan Chi, Letting her live may save you time if Quan Chi is in the proper position So i would leave this as runners choice

Experience points: The MAX amount of experience points that can be obtained is 20000, the last special move is unlocked at around 7400, the optimal way to farm the rest is to fight Quan Chi multiple times( bring him to 1hp > let him kill you > repeat ) I dont think getting 20000 experience brings any interesting addition to the speedrun, both as the runner and for spectators Also, it removes any strategy on the Exp route as once you get 5100, the rest is farmed on Quan Chi

So, these simple two requirements mean that the runner must:

  • Fatality Scorpion
  • Unlock all special moves
  • Collect all Items
  • Defeat all bosses

This will change the speedrun considerably from what Any% is, as both items and bosses are involved

I want to see everyone's input on this,

-Do you think the current 100% category is a good representation of a 100% completion of this game?

-What do you think of the proposed changes?

-What rules would you set to represent a 100% completion ? Sareena should be left alive, dead or anything goes?

-What about difficulty setting?, it has to be Normal or higher

Thanks for reading this wall of text


As a runner of the game, and runner overall of other series, I mainly focus on any%, but do enjoy watching some other categories. Now with MKMSZ there is this issue where there is no tracking of % complete, also getting all items makes you having to discard some along the way to make space on inventory.

imho, a "best" way to put the most completion is "All Bosses" (and unlocking the special ending). So this means killing Scorpion to fight Scorpion 2, fighting Earth God and meeting the requirements to kill Demon Shinnok (as far as what to do with Sareena, probably runners choice as it is not necesary needed to perform fatality on her). Probably this can be summarized the same Sagat did, but removing the "get all items" as you only would need the Keys to progress, and the Urns to be able to kill Demon Shinnok.

If anything, the canon of the "game" has you not killing Sareena for the sake of the extra cutscene, so I guess she should live.

Apart from that, difficulty could be runners choice, I did found easier playing on Very Hard due how AI behaves, but that's on me.

Sagat 喜欢这个
Michigan, USA

Unfortunately this is the only game I've ever ran, so I guess it can be taken with a grain of salt. But I did have the opportunity to talk to a higher ranked player (of a different game) who gave some great input on category creation.

I've came up with a few ideas on what can be improved upon in the 100% category and possible ideas for others. One of the main issues is that MKM is relatively a short game (content wise). So for there to be a difference in 100% and Any% there should be a strong difference in time to finish and completion rating. Obviously Sagat is just cracked at the game, so judging just based on 2 separate times is tough. But as it stands there's only a 1 minute and 30 second difference for PS1.

My idea for improving on the 100% category are as follows: --Collect All Keys --Defeat All Bosses (Including Scorpion 2) --Defeat Demon Shinnok

These additions cover both issues of time and completion rating. As Sagat stated, you can't defeat Shinnok without unlocking all moves, so leveling up is required. Additionally, farming for XP to max out is just not interesting for the players or the viewers.

***As for "Collect All Keys" this covers the idea of "Collecting All Items" without being completely tedious for the player i.e. collecting and using items to make space. This also builds off of "Defeating All Bosses" as the player must defeat the Earth boss to obtain one the keys in the Earth Temple.

***"Defeating All Bosses" adds time from the Any% category as all players will need to encounter more enemies in the Earth Temple (different route from Any%) and fighting Scorpion 2 (boss fight vs. no enemy spawning in the cell).

***"Defeat Demon Shinnok" is a strong addition as the player needs to: manage their inventory, collect urns, and defeat more foes throughout. This touches base with both "Collect Items" and "All bosses" categories, making it a fantastic addition to the 100% category.

As for Finishing Sareena, I think it should be up to the player. There's not really a strong enough difference of in sparing or Finishing her.

I think the difficulty should remain at Very Hard, just to keep things consistent in runs. Though I do know that other games have used separate "filters" for difficulty settings.

I think that proposing changes for this category is a great idea to keep the two categories different from each other. Feel free to DM me on twitter @JuicyJayyz if you'd like to further discuss changes.

Sagat 喜欢这个
Category & Emulator rules

As discused on the Forum thread the 100% category has been changed to All Bosses, this better represents a completionist playtrough of the game

PS1 Runs on emulator now must use duckstation, the advantages include:

  • With the set settings, it runs as close as possible with the console version
2 years ago
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