Can the "extended" version of the game be added as new category?
4 years ago

Sorry to bother you again. At first the game in NoaDev's site didn't work (turns out it was because of adblocker). So then I went to Kongregate and played the game there. Turns out, NoaDev made a new version of the game called "Mini Switcher: Extended", which exists on Kongregate and a few other sites, but not on their official site.

The differences between the two versions: there are still 30 levels in the "extended" version, their layout is very similar to the original levels, but were slightly changed to make it more friendly I guess. The extended version also allows you to reset levels during a speedrun, in the original game you can only restart levels on the non-speedrun mode. The changes make some levels shorter and some longer between the two versions.

I played in the "extended" version (haven't uploaded it yet), but noticed those version differences only after I did my speedrun. I will also play and run the original game too.

Link to the extended version:

编辑者 作者 4 years ago
grntsz, Oh_my_gourdness, WhatsFrog 喜欢这个
Stockholm, Sweden

It will be added