Demo: Great Maccao
European UnionAkantoreX
Demo: Malfestio
JapanXyp Games
Demo: Nargacuga
Village 2★ - Vaulting Outlaw
Village 2★ - Gendrome Roadblock
Village 2★ - The Land Sharq
Village 2★ - Hunt Down the Velocidrome!
Village 2★ - The Mountain Roughrider
Village 2★ - Arzuros the Azure Beast
Village 3★ - Tusked Tantrum
Village 3★ - Stomping Grounds
Village 3★ - Chasing Tail
Village 3★ - Jurassic Treasure: The Frog
Village 3★ - Crustacean Frustration
Village 3★ - The Desert Gourmand
Village 3★ - Local Threat
Village 3★ - Snow with Occasional Lagombi
Village 3★ - The Shadow in the Mountains
Village 3★ - Royal Spit Take
Village 3★ - A Forest Fracas
Village 3★ - Current Events
Village 3★ - The Crabbiest Catch
Village 3★ - Sunsnug Isle Rescue!
Village 3★ - Robbed Blind
Village 4★ - The Nocturnal Enchanter
Village 4★ - Wyvern of the Wind
Village 4★ - Jurassic Treasure: The Bug
Village 4★ - Hunt-a-thon: Gendrome
Village 4★ - Wrath of the Rathian
Village 4★ - Noise Violation
Village 4★ - Hunt-a-thon: Yian Kut-Ku
Village 4★ - Hunt-a-thon: Velocidrome
Village 4★ - The New Tenant
Village 4★ - Lagombi Lair
Village 4★ - Hungry Eyes
Village 4★ - Royal Pains
Village 4★ - Island Menace
Village 4★ - Deviled Legs
Village 4★ - Hunt-a-thon: Daimyo Hermitaur
Village 4★ - Marshlands Mission
Village 4★ - Serpentine Samba
Village 4★ - Lurkin' in the Murk
Village 4★ - Tumbling Troublemaker
Village 4★ - Crustacean Infatuation
Village 5★ - The Dark Age
Village 5★ - Trifecta of Terror
Village 5★ - Garuga of the Hills
Village 5★ - The Thunderclaw Wyvern
Village 5★ - Two Roars in the Snow
Village 5★ - Hunt-a-thon: Khezu
Village 5★ - The Unwavering Colossus
Village 5★ - Lagiacrus Fuss
Village 5★ - The Entrancing Water Dancer
Village 5★ - The Fisherman's Fiend
Village 5★ - Island Heat
Village 5★ - Double Vision
Village 5★ - Hunt-a-thon: Gypceros
Village 5★ - A King, Robed in Smoke
Village 5★ - Fight or Uragaan!
Village 5★ - Great Knuckleballs o' Fire!
Village 5★ - Hunt-a-thon: Iodrome
Village 5★ - A Late Jurassic Excursion
Village 5★ - A Sandy Battle Royale
Village 5★ - Scientific Method
Village 6★ - The Scorching Blade
Village 6★ - Dark Wings, Dark Work
Village 6★ - Tuff Turf
Village 6★ - From Beyond the Sands
Village 6★ - Tigrex by the Tail
Village 6★ - A Thousand Scales of Dread
Village 6★ - The Perilous Pair
Village 6★ - The Hero's Journey
Village 6★ - The Bellowing Zinogre
Village 6★ - Brachydios Mio!
Village 6★ - Under the Gaze of Heaven
Village 6★ - Break the Brachydios
Village 6★ - Night Terrors
Village 6★ - Bristly Fanged Beasts
Village 6★ - Drawing the Waterline
Village 6★ - The Cankerous Quagmire
Village 6★ - Volcano Triple Play
Village 6★ - It's Electric
Village 6★ - The White Brute
Village 6★ - Stop the Wheel
Village 6★ - The Fated Four
Village 6★ - Advanced: Jurassic Treasure
Village 6★ - Advanced: Sly Swooper
Village 6★ - Advanced: Invoking Rath
Village 6★ - Advanced: Seismic Scares
Village 6★ - Advanced: Twinkle Toes
Village 6★ - Advanced: Seltas Queen
Village 6★ - Advanced: The Goliaths
Village 6★ - Advanced: Barrage of Blue
Village 6★ - Advanced: Seeing Red
Village 6★ - Advanced: Nothing is Sacred
Village 6★ - Advanced: Snowtal Recall
Village 6★ - Advanced: Invisible Thief
Village 6★ - Advanced: Teostra's Return
Village 6★ - Advanced: Might is Right
Village 6★ - Advanced: State in Flux
Village 6★ - Advanced: The Field's a Stage
Village 6★ - Advanced: Wrath of Rath
Village 6★ - Advanced: The Golden Pair
Village 6★ - Advanced: Out of the Fry Pan
Guild 1★ - Harvest Tour: Jurassic Frontier
Guild 1★ - Harvest Tour: Dunes
Guild 1★ - Harvest Tour: Verdant Hills
Guild 1★ - Harvest Tour: Arctic Ridge
Guild 1★ - Harvest Tour: Misty Peaks
Guild 1★ - Boot to the Head
Guild 1★ - Tackling the Tetsucabra
Guild 1★ - Lost in the Jurassic Frontier
Guild 1★ - Red-Faced Ruffians
Guild 1★ - A Fern is Forever
Guild 1★ - Gendrome Roadblock
Guild 1★ - In Pursuit of the Sand Wyvern
Guild 1★ - Shells of Steel
Guild 1★ - Hermitaur Party
Guild 1★ - Ingredient Hunter
Guild 1★ - Hunt Down the Velocidrome!
Guild 1★ - Local Threat
Guild 1★ - Financial Focus on Fungus
Guild 1★ - Farming Frustrations
Guild 1★ - Snow with Occasional Lagombi
Guild 1★ - Preying on Giaprey
Guild 1★ - Special Home Brew
Guild 1★ - Bulldrome of the Peaks
Guild 1★ - The Ingredient of Legend
Guild 1★ - Royal Spit Take
Guild 1★ - A Mother's Woes
Guild 1★ - Jaggi Junket
Guild 1★ - The Next Best Thing
Guild 1★ - Dance: The Final Frontier
Guild 1★ - Taste the Mountains
Guild 1★ - Lucky Mountain Cat
Guild 2★ - Harvest Tour: Deserted Island
Guild 2★ - Harvest Tour: Marshlands
Guild 2★ - Insomnia? Meet Hypnotism
Guild 2★ - Walk 'n Roll
Guild 2★ - Rocking Rhenoplos
Guild 2★ - The Desert Gourmand
Guild 2★ - Tongue-Tied
Guild 2★ - The Poison-fanged Duo
Guild 2★ - Konchu Collector
Guild 2★ - Liver of Legend!
Guild 2★ - Noise Violation
Guild 2★ - In Search of the Yian Garuga
Guild 2★ - Finishing the Job
Guild 2★ - Fresh is Best
Guild 2★ - The Shadow in the Mountains
Guild 2★ - The New Tenant
Guild 2★ - Blango Slaying Tactics
Guild 2★ - Operation: Secure Specimen
Guild 2★ - Royal Assassination
Guild 2★ - Ahoy! Royal Ludroth!
Guild 2★ - Bye Bye Jaggia
Guild 2★ - Malfestio Festival
Guild 2★ - Wyvern of the Wind
Guild 2★ - Tetsucabra Bounty
Guild 2★ - Deserted Island Dustup
Guild 2★ - Bnahabra Bloodbath
Guild 2★ - Poisonous Pest
Guild 2★ - Pincer through the Sky
Guild 2★ - Serpentine Samba
Guild 2★ - Ioprey Hunting
Guild 2★ - Attack of the Giant Bugs!
Guild 2★ - Collect to Combine
Guild 2★ - Running with the Night
Guild 2★ - A Cricket to Love
Guild 2★ - A Resplendent Dance
Guild 3★ - Harvest Tour: Volcano
Guild 3★ - Flames of Glavenus Passion
Guild 3★ - Tigrex by the Tail
Guild 3★ - Dark Wings, Dark Work
Guild 3★ - Fossilized Memories
Guild 3★ - A Thousand Scales of Dread
Guild 3★ - A Shocking Scoundrel
Guild 3★ - The King's Domain
Guild 3★ - Fury Run Afoul
Guild 3★ - Lagiacrus Lethargy
Guild 3★ - Moonlit Bubble Bath
Guild 3★ - Topple the Monarch
Guild 3★ - Lagiacrushed
Guild 3★ - Tuff Turf
Guild 3★ - Fro Shizzle
Guild 3★ - Isle About that Bass
Guild 3★ - Heaven and Earth
Guild 3★ - Bladed Glavenus
Guild 3★ - Fight or Uragaan!
Guild 3★ - The Shogun's Encampment
Guild 3★ - Crustacean Infestation
Guild 3★ - Scavengers United
Guild 3★ - More Coal Please
Guild 3★ - An Early Jurassic Excursion
Guild 3★ - Wyvern Sand Runners
Guild 3★ - Zinogre, Bearly Fazed
Guild 3★ - Making it Safe for Swine
Guild 3★ - Rumble in the Volcano
Guild 3★ - It's Electric
Guild 3★ - The White Brute
Guild 3★ - The Frozen Dictator
Guild 3★ - The Elder Dragon of Mist
Guild 3★ - Emperor of Flame
Guild 3★ - Stop the Wheel
Guild 3★ - Two-headed Carcass
Guild 3★ - Hot Scales & Sharp Pincers
Guild 3★ - There's Always Room for Fish
Guild 3★ - Out of the Frying Pan
Guild 4★ - Harvest Tour: A. Steppe
Guild 4★ - Harvest Tour: Primal Forest
Guild 4★ - Harvest Tour: Jurassic Frontier
Guild 4★ - Harvest Tour: Dunes
Guild 4★ - Harvest Tour: Verdant Hills
Guild 4★ - Harvest Tour: Arctic Ridge
Guild 4★ - Harvest Tour: Misty Peaks
Guild 4★ - Swing into Action
Guild 4★ - Ruining the Ruins
Guild 4★ - Bag the Bounding Bandit
Guild 4★ - Jaggi of the Steppe
Guild 4★ - Ancestral Steppe Fungus Run
Guild 4★ - Bug Appétit
Guild 4★ - Gendrome Roadblock
Guild 4★ - Lost in the Primal Forest
Guild 4★ - Hunt Down the Velocidrome!
Guild 4★ - Poison Paralysis Pinch
Guild 4★ - Crystal Bone Collector
Guild 4★ - Hair of the Dog
Guild 4★ - Tackling the Tetsucabra
Guild 4★ - So Notable: Great Maccao
Guild 4★ - The Land Sharq
Guild 4★ - Shells of Steel
Guild 4★ - Birds of a Feather
Guild 4★ - Bullfango Brigade
Guild 4★ - Delicious White Livers
Guild 4★ - The Bulldrome Charges
Guild 4★ - Snow with Occasional Lagombi
Guild 4★ - Arzuros Encroaches
Guild 4★ - Royal Spit Take
Guild 4★ - Netting Neopterons
Guild 4★ - Clash of Rivals
Guild 4★ - A Powerful Team
Guild 4★ - The Grandmeowster's Trials
Guild 4★ - We Cat All Be Heroes
Guild 4★ - Fois Gras Faux Pas
Guild 4★ - Splash in the Moonlight
Guild 5★ - Harvest Tour: Frozen Seaway
Guild 5★ - Harvest Tour: Volcanic Hollow
Guild 5★ - Harvest Tour: Deserted Island
Guild 5★ - Harvest Tour: Marshlands
Guild 5★ - Harvest Tour: Volcano
Guild 5★ - So Notable: Kecha Wacha
Guild 5★ - Ancestral Steppe Accounting
Guild 5★ - Dragon Lady
Guild 5★ - The Ioprey Leader
Guild 5★ - The Intelligent Malfestio
Guild 5★ - Serpentine Samba
Guild 5★ - Spotted Beauty
Guild 5★ - Primal Forest Accounting
Guild 5★ - Fin Finder
Guild 5★ - The Walls Have Eyes
Guild 5★ - Must Love Lagombi
Guild 5★ - Zamite Fight
Guild 5★ - Stone-cold Stones
Guild 5★ - Liver and Let Die
Guild 5★ - Fight or Uragaan!
Guild 5★ - Worst. Trip. Ever!
Guild 5★ - Tetsucabra Bounty
Guild 5★ - Close Coal
Guild 5★ - Nargacuga Throwdown
Guild 5★ - Insomnia? Meet Hypnotism x 2
Guild 5★ - The Desert Gourmand
Guild 5★ - Line in the Sand
Guild 5★ - Wrath of the Rathian
Guild 5★ - Twin Velocidrome
Guild 5★ - The New Tenant
Guild 5★ - A Plesioth in the Misty Peaks
Guild 5★ - Awful Guest
Guild 5★ - Poisonous Pair
Guild 5★ - Attack of the Giant Bugs!
Guild 5★ - You Caught This? I Caught This
Guild 5★ - Tumbling Troublemaker
Guild 5★ - Shogun in the Flames
Guild 5★ - The Most Dangerous Game
Guild 5★ - Status: Effected
Guild 5★ - Desert Brawlers
Guild 5★ - The Hunter Games
Guild 5★ - Hunt, Sweat, and Tears
Guild 5★ - Calm, Cool, and Collected
Guild 5★ - Kecha Wacha Earbreaker
Guild 5★ - Fish On!
Guild 5★ - Lucky Volcano Cat
Guild 5★ - Under the Blazing Sun
Guild 6★ - The Lightning Crown
Guild 6★ - What a Girl Wants
Guild 6★ - Rathalos Run
Guild 6★ - Watch Your Steppe
Guild 6★ - Bug Buffet
Guild 6★ - A Bewitching Dance
Guild 6★ - Dread Locked
Guild 6★ - The Unshakable Mountain God
Guild 6★ - Topple the Monarch
Guild 6★ - Bedevil a Deviljho
Guild 6★ - Frozen Seaway Accounting
Guild 6★ - Master of the Molten Deep
Guild 6★ - Duel in the Volcanic Hollow
Guild 6★ - Volcanic Hollow Accounting
Guild 6★ - Bug Bite
Guild 6★ - Heaven and Earth
Guild 6★ - From Beyond the Sands
Guild 6★ - Legend of the Monkey King
Guild 6★ - Astalos Territory
Guild 6★ - Lord of the Skies
Guild 6★ - The Rajang in the Snow
Guild 6★ - Fury Run Afoul
Guild 6★ - Bl-Bl-Blangongas!
Guild 6★ - Surrounded by Bubbles
Guild 6★ - The Moving Mountain
Guild 6★ - The Fisherman's Fiend
Guild 6★ - Open Season for Jaggia
Guild 6★ - For Whom the Gong Tolls
Guild 6★ - Quartz Rivalry
Guild 6★ - We Can Dig It
Guild 6★ - Coal Hearted
Guild 6★ - River of Fire
Guild 6★ - Dances with Wyverns
Guild 6★ - Bugging Out
Guild 6★ - A Three Hour Tour
Guild 6★ - A Hollow Defense
Guild 6★ - Wild Gunman
Guild 6★ - Marshlands Rag
Guild 6★ - Firefight to the Finish!
Guild 6★ - At the Slayground
Guild 6★ - It's Electric
Guild 6★ - The White Brute
Guild 6★ - A Scenic Locale
Guild 6★ - Miasma Attack
Guild 6★ - Stop the Wacha!
Guild 6★ - We Are Not Amused
Guild 6★ - Zamtrios Fight!
Guild 6★ - The Frog of War
Guild 6★ - Triple Toady Terror
Guild 6★ - The Coal Still Burns
Guild 6★ - Woe Malfestio
Guild 6★ - Born of Darkness
Guild 6★ - Nibeling on Apples
Guild 6★ - Warning: Hyper Yian Garuga!
Guild 6★ - Hyper for Holes
Guild 6★ - The Plesioth Adventure
Guild 6★ - Daimyo of the Deserted Island
Guild 6★ - Where the Wild Manes Are
Guild 6★ - Hyper Investigation
Guild 6★ - The Khezu and the Shadow
Guild 6★ - Bring On the Shogun
Guild 6★ - Unnerving Najarala
Guild 6★ - Eruption Embodied
Guild 6★ - The Magma's Rage
Guild 6★ - Minion Audition Imposition
Guild 6★ - Everywhere You Look
Guild 6★ - Malfestio Headbreaker
Guild 6★ - The Snow Must Go On
Guild 6★ - Big Bro's Benevolence
Guild 7★ - Stop the Wheel
Guild 7★ - A Gathering of Wyverns
Guild 7★ - A Song of White and Lapis
Guild 7★ - A Cold Set of Armor
Guild 7★ - Rocked and Rolled
Guild 7★ - So Notable: Seregios
Guild 7★ - Hammer vs. Blade
Guild 7★ - A Roar to the Heavens
Guild 7★ - The Hapless Bodyguard
Guild 7★ - Seer of Swords
Guild 7★ - The Yukumo Gal Special
Guild 7★ - Repaying the Favor
Guild 7★ - You Bet Your Life
Guild 7★ - Wyvern's Way
Guild 7★ - Bewitching Heat
Guild 7★ - The Mountain God's Lightning
Guild 7★ - A Man's Arena is His Castle
Guild 7★ - The Hunter Games
Guild 7★ - The Flames of War
Guild 7★ - A Shocking Revelation!
Guild 7★ - The Gathering Storm
Guild 7★ - Hellfire Star
Guild 7★ - Putting the Gore in Magala
Guild 7★ - Tigrex, Tigrex, Burning Bright
Guild 7★ - A Thousand Blades of Wrath
Guild 7★ - A Fiery Temper
Guild 7★ - The Unassailable Seltas Queen
Guild 7★ - Savage Sword of the Desert
Guild 7★ - Wyvernlit Evening
Guild 7★ - Wyverns All Around Us
Guild 7★ - Wild Gods, Calm Rangers
Guild 7★ - Into the Maelstrom
Guild 7★ - The Lithe and Unbreaking
Guild 7★ - The Peril of the Land
Guild 7★ - The Wolf and the Footbath
Guild 7★ - The Thieving Gypceros
Guild 7★ - Steam and Smoke
Guild 7★ - The Glowing Embers
Guild 7★ - Primal Forest Defense
Guild 7★ - The End of the Trials
Guild 7★ - The Descending Fog
Guild 7★ - Searching for Secret Baths
Guild 7★ - Show Me Your Shaka-Strength
Guild 7★ - The Marshlands Nightmare
Guild 7★ - The Birds of Prey
Guild 7★ - The Fanged Beasts
Guild 7★ - The Winged Wyverns
Guild 7★ - The Foes of the Deep
Guild 7★ - The Beasts of Brawn
Guild 7★ - Ring of the Silver Sol
Guild 7★ - Ring of the Golden Lune
Guild 7★ - Usurpers of the Throne
Guild 7★ - Child of Destruction
Guild 7★ - A Shock in the Dark
Guild 7★ - Triumphant Rage
Guild 7★ - The Frozen Dictator
Guild 7★ - Kushala Daora Strikes
Guild 7★ - The Elder Dragon of Mist
Guild 7★ - Beyond the Silence
Guild 7★ - Emperor of Flame
Guild 7★ - The Fires of Devastation
Guild 7★ - Grim Tidings
Guild 7★ - Absolute Zero
Guild 7★ - The Looming Calamity
Guild 7★ - The Brilliant Darkness
Guild 7★ - The Ball's in Your Court
Guild 7★ - Uragaan Shellbreaker
Guild 7★ - Poison, Poison, Go Away
Guild 7★ - Meownster Hunter
Arena - Grudge Match: Malfestio
Arena - Grudge Match: Khezu
Arena - Grudge Match: Najarala
Arena - Grudge Match: Rathalos
Arena - Grudge Match: Kecha Wacha
Arena - Grudge Match: Plesioth
Arena - Grudge Match: Brachydios
Arena - Grudge Match: Great Maccao
Arena - Grudge Match: Gypceros
Arena - Grudge Match: Bird Wyverns
Special Permit - Redhelm I: Hunt
Special Permit - Redhelm II: Capture
Special Permit - Redhelm III: Hunt
Special Permit - Redhelm IV: Hunt
Special Permit - Redhelm V: Hunt
Special Permit - Redhelm VI: Hunt
Special Permit - Redhelm VII: Capture
Special Permit - Redhelm VIII: Hunt
Special Permit - Redhelm IX: Hunt
Special Permit - Redhelm X: Hunt
Special Permit - Snowbaron I: Hunt
Special Permit - Snowbaron II: Capture
Special Permit - Snowbaron III: Hunt
Special Permit - Snowbaron IV: Hunt
Special Permit - Snowbaron V: Hunt
Special Permit - Snowbaron VI: Hunt
Special Permit - Snowbaron VII: Capture
Special Permit - Snowbaron VIII: Hunt
Special Permit - Snowbaron IX: Hunt
Special Permit - Snowbaron X: Hunt
Special Permit - Stonefist I: Hunt
Special Permit - Stonefist II: Capture
Special Permit - Stonefist III: Hunt
Special Permit - Stonefist IV: Hunt
Special Permit - Stonefist V: Hunt
Special Permit - Stonefist VI: Hunt
Special Permit - Stonefish VII: Capture
Special Permit - Stonefist VIII: Hunt
Special Permit - Stonefist IX: Hunt
Special Permit - Stonefist X: Hunt
Special Permit - Dreadqueen I: Hunt
Special Permit - Dreadqueen II: Capture
Special Permit - Dreadqueen III: Hunt
Special Permit - Dreadqueen IV: Hunt
Special Permit - Dreadqueen V: Hunt
Special Permit - Dreadqueen VI: Hunt
Special Permit - Dreadqueen VII: Capture
Special Permit - Dreadqueen VIII: Hunt
Special Permit - Dreadqueen IX: Hunt
Special Permit - Dreadqueen X: Hunt
Special Permit - Drilltusk I: Hunt
Special Permit - Drilltusk II: Capture
Special Permit - Drilltusk III: Hunt
Special Permit - Drilltusk IV: Hunt
Special Permit - Drilltusk V: Hunt
Special Permit - Drilltusk VI: Hunt
Special Permit - Drilltusk VII: Capture
Special Permit - Drilltusk VIII: Hunt
Special Permit - Drilltusk IX: Hunt
Special Permit - Drilltusk X: Hunt
Special Permit - Silverwind I: Hunt
Special Permit - Silverwind II: Capture
Special Permit - Silverwind III: Hunt
Special Permit - Silverwind IV: Hunt
Special Permit - Silverwind V: Hunt
Special Permit - Silverwind VI: Hunt
Special Permit - Silverwind VII: Capture
Special Permit - Silverwind VIII: Hunt
Special Permit - Silverwind IX: Hunt
Special Permit - Silverwind X: Hunt
Special Permit - Crystalbeard I: Hunt
European UnionBrisinger
Special Permit - Crystalbeard II: Capture
Special Permit - Crystalbeard III: Hunt
Special Permit - Crystalbeard IV: Hunt
Special Permit - Crystalbeard V: Hunt
Special Permit - Crystalbeard VI: Hunt
Special Permit - Crystalbeard VII: Capture
Special Permit - Crystalbeard VIII: Hunt
Special Permit - Crystalbeard IX: Hunt
Special Permit - Crystalbeard X: Hunt
Special Permit - Deadeye I: Hunt
Special Permit - Deadeye II: Capture
Special Permit - Deadeye III: Hunt
Special Permit - Deadeye IV: Hunt
Special Permit - Deadeye V: Hunt
Special Permit - Deadeye VI: Hunt
Special Permit - Deadeye VII: Capture
Special Permit - Deadeye VIII: Hunt
Special Permit - Deadeye IX: Hunt
Special Permit - Deadeye X: Hunt
Special Permit - Dreadking I: Hunt
European UnionBrisinger
Special Permit - Dreadking II: Capture
Special Permit - Dreadking III: Hunt
Special Permit - Dreadking IV: Hunt
Special Permit - Dreadking V: Hunt
Special Permit - Dreadking VI: Hunt
Special Permit - Dreadking VII: Capture
Special Permit - Dreadking VIII: Hunt
Special Permit - Dreadking IX: Hunt
Special Permit - Dreadking X: Hunt
Special Permit - Thunderlord I: Hunt
Special Permit - Thunderlord II: Capture
Special Permit - Thunderlord III: Hunt
Special Permit - Thunderlord IV: Hunt
Special Permit - Thunderlord V: Hunt
Special Permit - Thunderlord VI: Hunt
Special Permit - Thunderlord VII: Hunt
Special Permit - Thunderlord VIII: Capture
Special Permit - Thunderlord IX: Hunt
Special Permit - Thunderlord X: Hunt
Special Permit - Grimclaw I: Hunt
Special Permit - Grimclaw II: Capture
Special Permit - Grimclaw III: Hunt
Special Permit - Grimclaw IV: Hunt
Special Permit - Grimclaw V: Hunt
Special Permit - Grimclaw VI: Hunt
Special Permit - Grimclaw VII: Hunt
Special Permit - Grimclaw VIII: Capture
Special Permit - Grimclaw IX: Hunt
Special Permit - Grimclaw X: Hunt
Special Permit - Hellblade I: Hunt
European UnionBrisinger
Special Permit - Hellblade II: Capture
Special Permit - Hellblade III: Hunt
Special Permit - Hellblade IV: Hunt
Special Permit - Hellblade V: Hunt
Special Permit - Hellblade VI: Hunt
Special Permit - Hellblade VII: Hunt
Special Permit - Hellblade VIII: Capture
Special Permit - Hellblade IX: Hunt
Special Permit - Hellblade X: Hunt
Event: Endurance Quest 1
Event: Endurance Quest 2
Event: Endurance Quest 3
Event: Endurance Quest 4
Event: Endurance Quest 5
Event: Moonlit Tryst
Event: The Greatest Hunter
Event: The Voracious King
Event: Magi: Rescue from the Fall
Event: Slay a Glavenus
Event: Slay a Rathalos