Guide: All Pearls category


Hello and welcome to this guide for the All Pearls category which has recently been added to the leaderboard. I made this guide to show how many pearls there are in each level and which chests to avoid because they're empty. Feel free to leave feedback.

In total there are 30 chests: 9 with power pearls, 13 with range pearls and 8 empty chests.

The power pearls enable you to catch fish in a bubble with less shots and to move objects. As far as I know you need one power pearl to move barrels, two power pearls to move small rocks and three power pearls to move large rocks. The range pearls increase the range of your shot which is especially useful in the boss fight of Stage 2.

When you move objects they can sometimes go off screen. You have to swim with the objects to keep it on screen, otherwise it will disappear and you have to swim back to make it respawn. If an object hits a chest it will open it and disappear and won't respawn.

If you die you lose your upgrades and have to reset the run since many pearls can not be aquired without upgrades.

Number of chests: 3 Power pearls: 1 Range pearls: 2 Empty chests: 0

  • Open chest 1 with a shell.
  • Open chest 2 with a shell.
  • Open chest 3 with a shell.

Number of chests: 5 Power pearls: 2 Range pearls: 3 Empty chests: 0

  • Push the barrel down the stairs to open chest 1.
  • Push the barrel down the stairs to open chest 2. This requires some precision in your positioning and you need to avoid the projectiles of the squid.
  • Open chest 3 with a shell.
  • Jump on the platform to the left, turn around and press attack to push the shell into the water to open chest 4 with it.
  • Push the small rock to make it fall down and open chest 5. Swim down with the rock to prevent it from falling off screen and disappearing.

Number of chests: 9 Power pearls: 3 Range pearls: 3 Empty chests: 3

  • Push the shell from the ice into the water.
  • Chest 1 is empty, ignore it.
  • Open chest 2 with the shell you took from the ice.
  • Swim down into the hidden room and open chest 3 with the large rock.
  • Swim up, then to the right, take the shell, swim back and open chest 4.
  • Chest 5 is empty, ignore it.
  • Push the shell from the ice into the water and use it to open chest 6.
  • Chest 7 is empty, ignore it.
  • Take a shell, throw it over the barrier and use it to open chest 8.
  • Open chest 9 with a shell.

Number of chests: 5 Power pearls: 1 Range pearls: 2 Empty chests: 2

  • Open chest 1 on the left with a shell.
  • Chest 2 on the right is empty, ignore it.
  • Open chest 3 with a shell.
  • Chest 4 is empty, ignore it.
  • Open Chest 5 with a small rock.

Number of chests: 8 Power pearls: 2 Range pearls: 3 Empty chests: 3

  • Swim past the portal and push the barrel to the left to open chest 1.
  • Chest 2 on the right is empty, ignore it.
  • Swim back and go through the portal and continue like you would in Any%.
  • Chest 3 is empty, ignore it.
  • Throw the shell over the barrier and use it to open chest 4.
  • Push the small rock to the right to open chest 5.
  • Push the large rock to the left to open chest 6.
  • Open chest 7 on the left with the shell from above.
  • Chest 8 on the right is empty, ignore it.

Thank you for reading this guide. If you notice any errors please let me know. I hope you enjoy running the All Pearls category.

编辑者 作者 5 years ago
noisepolice, MsTruffles, Estacaco 喜欢这个
发布于 5 years ago
发布于 5 years ago