Simple strats for the game
Simple strats for the game
更新时间 1 year ago Mordecai_Edgelord

Hello gamers, it is I, Mordecai_Edgelord, mod of this game's community, I would like to write a simple guide to show you the simplest of MOHAB speedrunning, dont worry, there are no frame perfect jumps or glitches involved, (Yet), so, let's begin, by the way if you're seeing this and there arent 6 full missions yet, I'm still working on it, don't worry Mission 1.1 Immediately when you have control of the movement go to the house, pick up the codebook (The red notebook on the bed) and the rifle ammo, (On top of the table next to the window), go outside, you will find several Germans in front of you, shoot them, (Like it wasn't obvious enough), after that they spawn to the left of the house door when you go outside, and then to the right 1.2 when you spawn, all you have to do is kill the germans and go to the yellow marker when youre done, when planning the attack it doesnt really matter where you place everyone, but I like to place the bomb to the option more to the left, finish planning, and then wait for the bomb to detonate, and after that, start shooting. 1.3 after you hit louis and the train explodes you wait for 2 germans to pop out of the windows of the first cart and shoot them, on the cart before the last turn around and shoot the 2 germans there, on the last cart look out the window, shoot the remaining Germans and qwait for the scout tank to be in range of the panzerfaust and shoot it, go to the yellow marker.

发布于 23 days ago