Category Extensions Extensions
5 years ago
Portland, OR, USA

This is a leaderboard for runs deemed too uninteresting for SRC, such as ones that are expected to not sustain any interest after a few people spend a day or two running them. It is publicly editable, so you can put your own runs up and add categories and such without needing to go through an SRC moderator.

Azgr, Kalaphant 16 其他 喜欢这个
United States

@sheepgirl Why the heck are you responding to this thread over a year later, now everyones going to get notifications

编辑者 作者 3 years ago
MinecraftGaming Owfi 喜欢这个
Basque Country

@Acnnx he has a question about the topic so he post to make the question about that in a thread with the topic, whats the problem with that

United States

surprised this thread isnt locked

Basque Country

@SheepHello "they" isnt plural? lol but okey sorry


Hey i submited a run and the video is still uploading so pls dont reject it so give it half an hour :D

South Carolina, USA

@SheepHello your thing literally says "(He/Him, They/Them)" also, if you care about someone misgendering you then you don't belong on the internet.

Basque Country
删除者 作者
South Carolina, USA

smh dude how dare that guy say such a thing

Basque Country
删除者 作者
South Carolina, USA

They changed their pronouns finally so it wasn't relevant anymore.

French Southern Territories

[quote]also, if you care about someone misgendering you then you don't belong on the internet.[/quote] it's very rare that i agree with sheephello on anything but if you don't have enough basic respect to use the right pronouns than you don't belong on

anyways, the doc is for minecraft java speedruns, so adding TAS gameplay, which belongs somewhere else, to the doc is a terrible idea. Minecraft bedrock has their own leaderboards and unopfficial category extensions, so adding it to the minecraft java doc is also extremely stupid. pepega

编辑者 作者 3 years ago
pizzasliceyx RustySpotted 喜欢这个
South Carolina, USA

@Merl_ I wasn't trying to use their wrong pronouns. I was informing them that they're wrong, bc their pronouns are he/him. And that they didn't need to get upset over a silly word.

I did not mean it to be rude, and I apologize for using in a way that seemed like that.

New York, USA

mods pls lock this thread

CZX, Bruh_Banana 4 其他 喜欢这个
删除者 作者
Somerset, England

Hey, I don't have access to the sheet, it looks like sharing via the link was turned off

Also do people still submit runs to it? If not, then maybe this thread could be unpinned.

编辑者 作者 2 months ago
Rules v2

View the current version of the rules document at


  • () Lowered extra proof requirements for 1.16+ RSG to sub-13 for wor
11 days ago