Updated Mod Rules:
Updated Sodium 1.16.1 Backport 0.2.0+build.17 to Sodium 1.16.1 Backport 0.2.0+build.18.
Sodium 1.16.1 Backport 0.2.0+build.18 includes the following updates:
• Moves Targeted Block / Targeted Fluid to their Vanilla positions in F3 (identical to Sodium 1.16.1 Backport 0.1.1-SNAPSHOT+2021-02-12). • Reverts Video Settings menu from the Sodium menu to the Vanilla menu within runs. • Makes all Video Settings functional via the Vanilla menu (Clouds and Smooth Lighting were previously defunct via the Vanilla menu in Sodium). • Sodium menu is exclusively accessible via the Video Settings menu on the title screen and not within the gameplay segment itself. • Sodium menu can be fully disabled in the title screen via "sodium-options.json" by setting "force_vanilla_settings" to "true". • Gamma can be set up to 5.0 in-game via the Sodium Video Settings menu on the title screen. • Gamma is capped at 5.0 (setting the gamma above 5.0 in "options.txt" will result in the gamma being reverted back to 5.0 upon relaunch). • "MrMangoHands' Build" in the F3 menu has been renamed to "Speedrunning Build".
Additional Notes:
This is a mandatory update for the following reasons: • There are many significant changes that affect the gameplay segment. • Setting stricter standards to ensure every runner is using the same version of every mod. • Introducing more Vanilla parity to current mods.
Any 1.16.1 runs using versions of Sodium prior to Sodium 1.16.1 Backport 0.2.0+build.18 that are performed after 25 June 2022 00:00 UTC will be rejected.
Accessing the Sodium menu mid-run for any reason is not permitted (this does not apply to versions prior to Sodium 1.16.1 Backport 0.2.0+build.18).
The latest Sodium build can be found here: Sodium 1.16.1 Backport 0.2.0 build.18
View the current version of the rules document at
- () Lowered extra proof requirements for 1.16+ RSG to sub-13 for wor