Changes to Evidence Standards:
Runs do not require world generation to be recorded if the following conditions are met.
• Atum and SpeedRunIGT are installed, F3 are opened at some point before leaving the world, and the SpeedRunIGT timer is visible when starting the run.
• Playing the game in any other instance invalidates the current run.
• Sub-17 runs must submit logs, world files and evidence of past attempts.
For runs that do not use Atum and SpeedRunIGT, existing rules on world generation recording still apply.
• Each instance must be shown in recording. If the submitted video does not contain world generation and world creation, a separate video must ALSO be submitted showing full world generation and world creation.
• Playing the game in any other instance invalidates the current run.
• As a rule of thumb for the minimum resolution/bitrate required, all instances must have the percentage of the chunkmap legible, i.e. able to be read. Should you choose to have a zoomed in capture of the loading square (alongside the full instance capture), both the centre of the screen and the position the loading square jumps to during the WorldPreview mod must be zoomed in and recorded to capture the full loading screen.
Runs performed before this post, old rules apply.
View the current version of the rules document at
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