9 years ago
He/Him, They/Them, It/Its
9 years ago

Timing Begins on Day 1 and ends when you beat the final boss. :)

electriccrusher891 喜欢这个
Illinois, USA

Gonna be seeing one of these festival solo runs every saturday I can and MAY start uploading beggining and ending on this channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Neuzboy please sub. Going up at about 12:00-2:00 PM CST on all Saturdays possible.

limga 喜欢这个
Illinois, USA

Even if I wanted to, i couldn't find the correct timing for the first on e because I have no record. And OrigiNES, if you want the correct timing for the most recent one, just let me know if it was wrong. Looked pretty accurate to me tho :)

Illinois, USA

WR vid for festival solo coming up as soon as my dad wakes up :o

Illinois, USA

Not really anything with timing, but there is a small skip in Olympic (Dream?) Events. Upon entering the event, go into the menu and select "Start over". This will not redirect you to the beginning of the menuing but to the beginning of the event, completely skipping the bracket, team listings, and rotating camera of the players! On my first run using this strat, I saved 23 SECONDS on Ice Hockey. Yeah this strat is broken.

New EMU IL rules

Hello there gamers

So due to some concerns in the community about Emulators possibly being used to attempt cheated runs we decided after talking with other runners to increase the strictness of runs done on emulator as a hope to kurb possible cheating so we added the following rules for Individual

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