Face Lift - Minigame
6 years ago
Ohio, USA

Hey everyone. I have done several runs of this game and seem to have a lot of issues with the minigame "face lift".

I was wondering if anyone else was having issues with the scoring in that game, because to me the scoring system makes no sense (especially for one pattern in particular). I, obviously, get the face as close as possible and get LESS than 50% (which is the default score you get when you don't touch the face at all) then, when i do it again, I do the same exact thing, and will get somewhere in the 70s or 80s.

has anyone else had issues like that? Or does anyone know how that game is scored, so that adjustments can be made?


I would suggest trying it over and over again outside of the minigame island and then try to remember what exactly you need to do.

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