Can we make more categories?
6 years ago
Minnesota, USA

Should more categories be in this leaderboard like all non numbered Mario Parties or something like that?

MinecraftGaming 喜欢这个

All non-numbered could be one (so Advance + DS + Super)

Ones I can come up with and want to run in the future, but can't right now:

Mario Party Decathlon (1-10, So basically Octathlon + 9 and 10) N64 Trilogy (1-3) GCN Quadfecta (4-7) Wii + U Duathlon (8-9) <-- maybe not the best, but it fits the console collections mentioned above.

Pear Otterstone_Gamer 喜欢这个
Minnesota, USA

Thank You @Silo_Simon

编辑者 作者 6 years ago
MinecraftGaming 喜欢这个

Yeah, that's the main issue currently, I can't run them myself atm

Alberta, Canada

knowing how much i hate myself ill probably end up running the Quadfecta


Nothing% You do nothing! hey if nathaniel bandy can do it, we can do it too!