Moderator whereabouts
6 years ago

I submitted a run 3 weeks ago that has yet to be verified. Is it possible that a new moderator of the game be appointed to verify the run?

Redding, CA, USA

From what I hear El-Nino is difficult to come in contact with (a buddy of mine has been trying to contact him for a long time) so idk. If he never responds you can always submit a ticket to the global mods and they can add someone else as moderator.

Texas, USA

@mattmcgrath Are you still around? I'm submitting a run today of 4:24.

Texas, USA

Thanks! Skipping the text during the cutscene at the end with (.) was also a big time save, around 15-20 seconds.

编辑者 作者 5 years ago
Texas, USA

Ahh, I didn't know that earlier versions of SCUMMVM didn't allow the text skip. I am using a custom version, based on 2.1. Looking back at the video now, compared to the previous WR, I also notice that it seems that the version I'm using is running slightly faster (it appears for some reason that the screen transitions are much quicker). I pulled my run down, and I'll resubmit a run with vanilla 2.1. But keep the text skip?

编辑者 作者 5 years ago
Texas, USA

Run is submitted, the new time is 4:49. I had a few mistakes, so I think I can take that time down even more. I'll try some more over the next few days and see if I can get a better time.