any% guide
any% guide
更新时间 7 years ago mugg1991

Welcome to this game! I will write up some basic information here for anyone who is interested in picking this game up. This is just to give an overview over the glitches rather than teaching the route (that you can easily grasp from watching a run).


Cast Renegade Spells

This bug allows to cast spells that you don't have. How to do it:

  1. Open your spell book
  2. Click once on any spell in any type of magic
  3. Select a different type of magic. The type will determine which spell you get.
  4. Click on the "Set Quickspell" icon.

The spells that can be used this way are: Air --> Inferno Water --> Fly Earth --> Ice Blast Spirit --> Death Blossom Mind --> Shared Life Body --> Psychic-Shock Light --> Flying Fist Dark --> Sunray Dark Elf --> Armageddon

For speedruns, you will want to use this bug to gain access to Fly from the start.

Alliance skip

You do not need to form the alliance and go to Regna to complete the game. Due to a programmer's oversight, if you have the 4 elemental hearts from each of their respective planes and visit the hostel in Ravenshore where Xanthor hasn't arrived yet, you will receive the conflux key and can enter Escaton's Crystal.

Door skip

In places such as Escaton's Palace, you can skip past doors to complete the dungeon faster. This bug abuses the fact that the game engine loads doors/objects last. How to do it:

  1. Save in front of the door you want to skip
  2. Load while holding forward and the "cast spell" key. You will move slightly into the door and the spellbook will come up. Let go of forward and close the spellbook.
  3. Repeat 1. and 2. until you are through.

This trick is said to behave differently depending on whether you have a slow or fast PC. On slower PCs, you could go through a door without having to rely on multiple save & reloads. But this behavior isn't well investigated.

Cast Telekinesis through doors

Similarly to the above glitch, this abuses the fact the game loads doors after everything else. Save in front of the door you want to telekinesis through, and load while holding the "cast spell" key on the loading screen. Select telekinesis and use it through the door. This is only really useful when done at the final door before Escaton's throne room.

Cast Town Portal indoors / with enemies nearby

You normally can cast Town Portal only when outdoors and when no enemies are near. But you can do it whenever, if you exit or enter a dungeon and hold the "cast spell" key on the loading screen. This can be done as an alternative to death warping, after completing the Earth or Fire planes.

Item Click Buffer

This bug allows you to receive any item that is lying on the floor in an indoors area / dungeon. How to do it:

  1. Stand in front of an item, or throw an item before you.
  2. Save the game (savegame 1)
  3. Enter a dungeon where you want to get an item from the floor, save the game (savegame 2).
  4. Load savegame 1, then load savegame 2. While loading savegame 2, on the loading screen, click at where the item was that you were facing (= you are buffering a click).
  5. If done correctly, you will receive an item.

The item you receive depends on the no. of the item slot of the item that you buffered a click on. For speedrunning, this bug is useful because it allows you to receive the Fire heart, Earth heart and Air heart without having to go through those dungeons.

Specifically, in order to receive the Fire, Earth and Air hearts, visit the Ravenshore library and throw an item in front of you, then save (savegame 1). Then visit a dungeon of one of the three aforementioned planes and save (savegame 2). Load savegame 1, then load savegame 2 while buffering a click on the thrown item. If done correctly, you will receive the heart. It works this way, because the item you throw in the library is the 1st item that becomes active - it occupies slot 1. And the heart in each respective plane also occupies slot 1.

Object Buffer

Instead of throwing items in the Ravenshore library, you can face certain wall pieces and do the same trick in order to skip having to walk to Escaton's or the Lords' rooms. The wall pieces are listed here.

For any%, it is best you use these wall pieces (check with the sheet to see where exactly it is). Save seperate savegames while standing in front of them, and then use them when you are in the respective location to trigger them:

  • Escaton's Palace, Escaton's room = Plane of Air
  • Fire Prison, Lord's room = Shadowspire
  • Air Prison, Lord's room = Ironsand Desert
  • Water Prison, Lord's room = Ironsand Desert
  • Earth Prison, Lord's room = Ravenshore (before you get the Conflux Key)

Exit Click Buffer

This bug works like the above trick, except you do it on the exit of a dungeon. Like the Item Click Buffer, this only works when loading a savegame from an indoors area.

  1. Save in front of the dungeon's exit (savegame 1). It has to be the exit of the same dungeon you want to do this trick in.
  2. Do stuff in the dungeon
  3. When you're done, save (savegame 2)
  4. Load savegame 1, then load savegame 2 while buffering a click on the exit.
  5. If done correctly, you can exit without having to walk back

Useful in Earth Prison and Escaton's Palace.


Use the ingame hotkeys

Using keys such as "Trigger" and "Exit" can speed up your gameplay. Trigger can be used to enter doors and pick up items without clicking on them. Exit can be used to close shops and dialogue screens without having to click on the Close button.

The game doesn't accept certain keys, so you might want to remap your keys (by using a registry edit tool).


((Todo)) You can watch a speedrun to learn the route. At the time of this writing, the speedrun is heavily changing due to the recent glitch discoveries.

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