Speed issue
4 years ago
Basse-Normandie, France


Today I wanted to start my road to WR in Any% category. The thing is, when I started to practice the first level, while watching WR, I quickly realized that something was wrong. I think my game is slower than on WR. I don't know if it's because of the version I use (I play the Stream version), if it's an issue with my computer, etc... But for now, I won't grind this game until I know what is the problem, because I know I can't get the time I think I deserve for now.

To give you an example, here is a clip I've done earlier. It's easy to see that my game is slower, because I need to do 4 jumps to get on the barrel, instead of 3 (even without this "detail", it's easy to see there is something wrong about the speed of the character in my game).

VeganOsu SirTroyish 喜欢这个
Maryland, USA

Most likely this would be a question for Siactro, I've seen something similar, my game loads much slower than anyone else's.

VeganOsu 喜欢这个
Des Moines, IA, USA

I actually kind of noticed that back a while ago while watching one of your runs. The game just seemed slower for some reason. When I noticed that (about a month ago now), I assumed the game itself was running slower. I timed how long it took a cutscene to finish on your run compared to mine, but that wasn't the issue.

It probably has to do with your computer, or maybe even the resolution of the game, because we already know that projecting the game to a TV or something bigger than a normal monitor gives the game issues. I'm sure it is fixable, though.

VeganOsu 喜欢这个
Richmond, VA, USA

I'm unsure of why this is happening. It most likely is your PC, as I noticed that certain things don't work/are different on certain settings. (Ex. Strangely Familiar Jungle skip is impossible on 144hz and VERY sharp turns on Mac Race with 144hz). The game plays completely different on 144hz vs 60hz, so maybe certain components also contribute to issues with the game.

SirTroyish 喜欢这个
Basse-Normandie, France

I tried to change the resolution. It didn't change anything.

Des Moines, IA, USA

Try changing your computer to 60hz, if it isn't. I don't know what else to tell you

编辑者 作者 4 years ago
Basse-Normandie, France

My computer is already on 60hz. But I find out what causes the speed difference, and it's really dumb... The character moves slower when you play on controller instead of keyboard... Guess who didn't play any 3D platformer with a keyboard and will have to relearn the entire game...?

编辑者 作者 4 years ago
SirTroyish, VeganOsu 2 其他 喜欢这个
United States

Dang, I didn't know controller was slower

编辑者 作者 4 years ago
United States

Wait, controller is slower??? .......I think beating my PB just got easier XD

Andet 喜欢这个
United States

Lol I did some testing, and it looks like keyboard is indeed faster, but only for diagonal movement.

Also, would it be reasonable to allow a program like Joy2Key or antimicro to map the analog stick on to the arrow keys?

编辑者 作者 4 years ago
MsTruffles 喜欢这个

Ok guys I found something. If you move down left or down right you actually move even faster then up left or up right. Maybe this could be used to make better routes for levels like Tubular City?

Andet 喜欢这个
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