Category rules updates
1 year ago
Florida, USA

Due to the huge effect FPS has on the game, I'm currently looking at a pair of rules changes for both the Any% and the NG+ categories.

The good news: Timers will no longer be required. While I prefer runs that have them for properly timing out hundredths of a second or the like, Lobotomy Corporation runs should never actually require hundredths of a second, meaning the rule is just kind of pointless.

The bad news: We are implementing an FPS cap of 60 FPS. The framerate of the game turns out to speed up a lot of things within the game, on a level where upgrading your computer could legitimately bring a free PB. Future runs will require the FPS counter in Steam Overlay to be turned on, and the game must be played at 60 FPS. This is in line with what other Speedrun communities with similar framerate-based gameplay effects do to ensure a fair playing field for everyone. This does lead to one final question:

What should we do with previously-accepted runs that have been played at higher FPS? I'm open to suggestions for what we should do with runs that are played on hardware superior to the framerate rules we'll be implementing. I believe there's enough timesave available in any% to allow them to be phased out as new records are hit with new strategies, but for NG+, the category has become somewhat optimized and without new strategies there may not be a way to avoid moving records into some kind of legacy category.

That's all for now, feel free to provide your thoughts. I'll take them into consideration before doing anything. Thanks!

编辑者 作者 1 year ago
Rules Updates

We've got a couple of official rules updates for both categories!

First off, timers have been officially removed from the requirements, so if you hate them you no longer are required to use them.

Secondly, due to the incredibly high impact of framerate on Lobotomy Corporation's running speed,

1 year ago