9 years ago
Connecticut, USA

Okay first of all you guys will think this is a dumb idea but here goes. I want to run low% including no powerups but I came across an issue with Meta Knight, obviously I need a power to beat him because he doesn't drop anything to inhale. should I just fight him with sword? (and in the case of the arena get rid of it while he does his death sequence) I think this category will be fun for me and should be accepted. Any other thoughts?

Alternatively I could spawn a partner and wait for him to kill Meta but who wants to see that?

United States

You can beat MK without a power. I don't see how you'd do the arena in a low% run though :p

Go for it mate more people playing the game fast is never a bad thing

Connecticut, USA

how do you beat MK with no power? :O


if you don't pick the metaknight sword and wait a while, the fight starts anyway. Then you an just shoot stars at him & shield

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