Lava not killing you
2 years ago
Los Angeles, CA, USA

I figured out some tiles of ocean/lava do not kill the player if they are pretty far away from the level. In level 4 for instance you can get onto them pretty easily. This might allow some skips and stuff

JDMI 喜欢这个
North Dakota, USA

Do you have a video?

Los Angeles, CA, USA

JDMI 喜欢这个
North Dakota, USA

Nice thanks for the video I wonder if we could find some levels to use this in

Pays de la Loire, France

yes it is very interesting. I think to help in research. I think his skip will be more useful in the "no respawn abuse" category. but you have to find a useful one that saves time

Whytte 喜欢这个
Los Angeles, CA, USA

Possible use for lava no death:

If you have the boss defeated/have seagull you can do respawn-less

编辑者 作者 2 years ago
JDMI 喜欢这个
UPDATE: Respawn Glitch is possible on IOS

As the title says, Respawn Glitch is can be done of IOS. This means that both platforms can do this glitch. The category split will still be in place but this is good news.

2 years ago
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