Basics of Running
Basics of Running
更新时间 6 years ago IAmTheAg


No one has a made a guide, and the category is small and new, but I figured I'd make some info on it.

The people doing the 30k challenge compiled a fairly comprehensive doc on bosses and loot here:

But, what about the specifics of speedrunning?

There is a ton of luck involved, but the trick is that you have to always play perfectly, so that when you do get lucky, you can claim a record.

In general, you have to A) Pick a class, B ) Pick a build, and C) Hope you get the cards and bosses needed to execute it fast.

A) Picking a class This is completely up to you! Choose a favorite- however, since the leaderboard is combined, there is a higher incentive to choose the faster classes. In my personal opinion, here are the classes in order of "best" to "worst" - Warrior, Hunter, Paladin, Warlock, Druid, Shaman, Mage, Rogue, Priest. But that's not a fair list, and with the right amount of luck, it shifts around. In general, I'd say warrior is the easiest to try to get nutty speeds with, but I've heard good things about druid too. Someday, we might have separate boards so that even priest becomes a competitive game.

B ) Picking a build This is where you have to get creative. Your build consists of 5 things- your two passives, your two treasures, and your deck. Out of all the 14 passives, some are rarer than others. Your first passive basically defines your build, and only a few really "work," but feel free to try more! In general, if your first passive is bad, you should concede and reset.

My top 3: Captured Flag - This is a very rare one, but insanely good. +1/+1 can be the start of a nutty build, but going for it is tiring because of how rare it is. Crystal Gem - This is a common treasure, and very strong! This essentially saves you a turn every fight, and puts your opponent behind. Not all classes can benefit from it, though, since it relies on high card quality. Weapons Cost 1 - This is a rare one, but is definitely viable, although swingy as heck. Warrior and paladin can both highroll a victory with this, although I haven't seen it for myself.

For the treasures, you hope for the best, but you can't count on them. I wouldn't try to structure a run around treasures as the odds of missing the good ones is low, but here's my top 3:

Recruit Horn - This card is nutty when you highroll. This is a way to smash any boss in a few turns, and is good in every fight. Embers of Ragnaros - Insanely strong for a few fights, but weak-ish on the final few. Still worth it for the chance of getting a nutty time on a midboss. Adapt Wand - This card is bonkers! Windfury + attack can smash through every boss.

In a good run, you should get lucky with treasures a couple times. But the rest of your deck should be strong enough to hold its own! Don't rely on treasures.

Here are some builds that can potentially get a world record, imo: Weapon warrior: 1 mana arcanites shred the first bosses, and 1 mana woecleavers shreds the late game. Requires lots of luck all the way. Face hunter: Get captured flag as your first passive and draft small beasts. Hunter is super consistent when you an hit the flag, but it's a low chance (~10% or less) Silver hand paladin: The paladin silver hand package is strong if you get a lucky draft, but it again works way better with the flag. Alternatively, though, get the weapon cost 1 buff for vinecleavers & Valanyrs. Even mana can maybe get there with some highrolls. This is a versatile option, and murlocs can be an alternative. Worgen warrior: This is the current record holder. Just rely on worgen to carry every fight. This is consistent and allows for flexibility since worgen is a starting card. Giants warlock: If you can pick giants as warlock (rarish) and get the minions cost 5 max passive (rarish) and draw like a madman (also rarish) then you can probably highroll any boss. Notice that many classes are missing, as I have not played them yet to know anything.

C) Cards & Bosses

The game seems to be more likely to give you synergy with your first pick. So try and make it count! A bad first couple picks could be worth a reset.

That's basically it! Happy highrolling.

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