My roommate might’ve discovered the beginning of a possible 40 Below skip
5 years ago
Texas, USA

He found that it’s actually possible to make it onto the side of the mountain (through carefully placed Major Ruin rush attacks on a nearby ramp) where you get flex without riding any of the ice rails. Not sure how far you can take it, but maybe it could lead to a potential time save in the future. You need 40 Below to kill the ice boss anyway, so I don’t think it’s THAT useful yet, but it could lead to something.

They didn’t get a clip of it though. I could attempt to do it on my current save, but I’m not sure if any Major Ruin upgrades would give me a height advantage or something.

I legit can’t wait for the day elemental skips are discovered. When I was a kid, I tried to glitch into the thorn’s castle area before thermite, but I simply couldn’t get that far. The collision in this game seems to be surprisingly stringent, to the point where there’s only one clip I’ve gotten to work consistently on the mountain, and it just sends you falling to your doom.

Sorry if this is kinda useless, but I think it’s an interesting discovery nonetheless.

Arkansas, USA

Sorry, I'm just now seeing this, with the way Snowtop Village is being tested for skips and glitches we will need 40b for Thyra like you were saying. We have been close to skipping the water shrine and other cut scenes in that area. You should definitely check out the discord for what is currently being theorized for routing, if you haven't yet. There is also a speed flow chart in the works that will show the progression of how to beat the game with glitches as known for now. It will have links to all the glitches and optimizations we use and be updated with current theorized paths that will skip certain parts.
