Emulator allowed?
8 years ago
Ontario, Canada

Hi I'm new to the speed community and the game seems like a good entry point for me because I love Kirby and the game is fairly easy! The thing is I own the game on 64 but have no capture device but I can emulate to capture through my pc. Is this permitted? Is it allowed in any games? Just curious. Thanks so much


Texas, USA

I was just setting up LiveSplit for this game, and it mentioned that emulators are not allowed. So, sorry.

United States

Hi, glad to see you're interested in running this game! As AnimeGameKid said, emulators like Project64 or Mupen64 aren't allowed for this game because they're inaccurate. For example, this game has a lot of graphical glitches on emulator, like the HP bar being incorrect, some objects being invisible, backgrounds displaying incorrectly, etc.

One option is to record your TV screen with a webcam or a phone (see Seraki's run for a great example of this). Alternatively, you could practice on emulator while waiting for a capture card to arrive.
