Introducing myself
3 months ago
Alabama, USA

Hi! I'm MrSoy, I've gotten a few records already. I imagine the game isn't run very often, but I grew up playing it and thought it'd be fun to get some records. If there are any other active or semiactive players I'd love to connect. I appreciate RaGeNyC for verifying my times so quickly, and you and Nightbarrel have set a good standard for WRs in this community already. Is there a discord or something? If not, and you're a runner reading this and also want to connect feel free to respond to this thread and I'll make a discord for active runners if that's okay.

RaGeNyC 喜欢这个
New York, USA

Hey! There isn't a discord. There's limited activity here, so I don't think a discord would be too active. If people were to chime in here wanting one, go for it!

MrSoy7 喜欢这个
Alabama, USA

Yeah if future runners want one respond to this thread I'll keep an eye on it. Thanks RaGeNyC for reviewing my runs so promptly! I'm going level by level and eventually I'll do some full game runs.

RaGeNyC 喜欢这个
发布于 1 month ago
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发布于 3 months ago
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发布于 11 months ago
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发布于 11 months ago
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