3 years ago

My run submission was rejected because I can only use keycard? The rules didn’t state that you can’t use a sword/baton. Why was it rejected?


rules are weird, my runs arent getting timed correctly and there is no one that can help me rn.

West Virginia, USA

all the mods are in agreement about the only keycard rule. If i could make the rules more clear i would but i cant because i am not a moderator i can only verify runs

WhatsFrog 喜欢这个

But I did have a keycard. Criminals and cops don’t have any difference in walkspeed or anything. It should be treated as the same with the other runs.

West Virginia, USA

Nah nah you got it all wrong you had the sword out and you are only aloud to have keycard

^ Was accepted.

No mention that swords/batons are not allowed.

Time starts on touching the bottom of the stairs or from trying to enter anything from the stairs Time ends upon exiting the prison / touching the ground outside the prison.

You must physically touch the stairs.

You must use a keycard

No one is allowed to help you.

Launch 喜欢这个
West Virginia, USA

smh i realize this me and the other mods have said that we should continue to not alow batons in these runs. Now i also realize that there is currently no official rule so sense i can not make one i will have @kingdinocharge or @WhatsFrog do it

编辑者 作者 3 years ago

My run from days ago just got rejected lmao.

So anyways, I’ll resubmit the run.

Stockholm, Sweden

I've just gotten home, I will resolve these issues and clean the rules in a maximum of 2 hrs

Rule changes regarding FPS

Recently ROBLOX released a patch which gives users an in game FPS cap setting. We have decided to roll out a change to our rules which allows the max FPS cap (240) to be used on categories in which FPS does not alter the course of the run.

These categories include:


  • Bank, and all of i
8 months ago
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