Trash% Run
5 years ago
New York City, NY, USA

Trash% Rules:

Start the game from a new game/fresh save and collect all Hats and Skins for Trash tier.

Time starts when you enter "Not BF2" in the first tier or when you open your first set of chests

Time stops when you collect the final skin/hat you need. Must show collection at the end in order to verify that you've collected every hat/skin.

You can play minigames to earn money when you're short on money from buying chests

I am BEGGING the mod to PLEEEEEASE verify and make this into a legitimate category, this game is already RNG based as it is, so I don't see why we can't have an RNG based 100% run as well.

Starting off small, but eventually... we'll get to the point where we're speedrunning 100% the entire game in an already RNG heavy game.

Me and my friend are already so invested in this game that we're willing to even help as admins/moderators and see how far we can take this game.

First ever test Trash% run.

发布于 5 years ago
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发布于 5 years ago
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发布于 7 years ago
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