发布于 1 year ago

Hello! ?

  • After making the category suggestion in the discord channel for feedback, it seemed like the most of you thought this new category could be interesting so we've decided to add it! bringing you all the brand new category!

  • Dwarven Mines%

  • Ironman DM% (SUBCATEGORY)

  • Dwarven Mines% essentially is as the name suggest, unlocking the Dwarven Mines as fast as possible on a new profile. The ironman subcategory provides a most likely longer but also possibly more interesting way of running this category.

  • As of right now, no further patches or changes due to updates have been made, so for now this is all. Go run this category :)

发布于 2 years ago

Hi, 👋 -Due to recent updates, some categories have been unbeatable and therefore archived or replaced: --Obtain Diamond Classic (o7) --Obtain Diamond /visit --All Unlocks --50% Unlocks --Complete Quests --Fully Unlock Combat/Mining Collection

-All Unlocks is replaced by Unlock # Collections with the removal of 50% Unlocks. Unlock 45 Collections requires you to unlock 45 collections, this is for convenience sakes to avoid an overly long category needing for you to go into the Crimson Isle, or the Dwarven Mines. 45 Collections is basically the perfect, ideal unlocks category. 30 Unlocks is the 50% equivalent and follows the same principle to 45 Unlocks. Oh yea, no using events.

-Complete Quests have been wiped due to the regular route being removed of a quest, making the records unbeatable.

-Obtain Diamond Classic is archived, it has been practically impossible to beat for a while, and recent changes patched some major tricks used in said runs.

-Obtain Diamond /visit has been wiped and replaced with With /visit following the same reasons as Classic.

-Fully Unlock Combat/Mining Collection have both been archived due to them being changed drastically, needing an absurd amount of time both needing in order to complete their collections. Combat, Crimson Isle. Mining, Dwarven Mines.

发布于 3 years ago

👋, As of 11/8/21 (MM/DD/YYYY) enchanting table commands are banned as they are now available to every player, and would cause some questionable timesaves which weren't present beforehand, and also it'd act the same as if the change never happened.

As well as this, in the same patch you are no longer able to dye sheep in areas like the Mushroom Desert, making the WR in Stack of Lime Wool impossible to beat. The category has been reset, while archiving the previous iteration. This is why the category is mostly empty right now (solw is in category extensions).

Brand new category: Dwarven Mines%

Hello! ?

  • After making the category suggestion in the discord channel for feedback, it seemed like the most of you thought this new category could be interesting so we've decided to add it! bringing you all the brand new category!

  • Dwarven Mines%

  • Ironman DM% (SUBCATEGORY)

  • Dwarven Min

1 year ago
发布于 3 months ago
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发布于 3 years ago
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发布于 4 years ago
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发布于 3 months ago
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发布于 3 months ago
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