8 years ago
California, USA

We've known for a long time that ghosting in Harry Potter 3 was possible. However, what if we made a ghost% category similar to the debug%/variousarbitrarycategories% of hp2 and hp1 respectively?

A sample run of the category is here:

The way to activate ghost mode is to go to the Harry Potter 3 Configuration Folder and bind one of the unused preexisting keys to Ghost(place Ghost next to the equal signs of unused keybinds)

Ghost Mode cannot sequence break beyond map order(no early challenges) because as of right now softlocks the game.

Anyone up for implementing the category?


In principle, the idea is not bad, but it's up to you. I have, and so the last place in the category Better Any%


Ghost%? Splendid idea! Here's a 14:16 run (RTA), about 12 minutes faster than OP:

This uses a sequence break I found: spell challenge levels have a trigger (the exit at the challenge room) that can take you to different levels. If I ghost straight to the challenge room, the game gets very confused when I reach the exit, since previous triggers weren't hit. I've got the game to give me different outcomes upon exiting: softlocking with a black screen, or bringing me to the castle without an objective (effectively softlocking), bringing me to the Quidditch cutscene, or bringing me to the Buckbeak execution cutscene. These two last results do not softlock the game, and obviously the execution is better than Quidditch since it's farther ahead in the game.

I thus looked for a consistent way to reach the execution cutscene, and the fastest way seems to be going straight to Draconifors-Lapifors and completing the challenge. These sequence breaks are only useful in ghost% for now, but if you guys find a way to get past the gates in the challenge room without ghosting, you could apply them to better any%.

发布于 3 years ago
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