edit: I wasn't the first person who found it so this is more of a tutorial
the glitch appears whenever the player spams the button that teleports you to the next level which skips as many levels as you tap before the screen turns black, it also gives you all the stars and crowns you have collected in that levels and copies that for all the levels that you have skipped using the glitch
you can also use this glitch for grinding money and gems (which are useless)
yeah, i guess you haven't watched any% NR yet
this glitch skips as many levels as possible, according ti how many times you pressed the next level buttin during the lag frames
not allowed in fullgame except for any% nr, because you need to play every level and collect all stars / crowns in other categories
hey I was wondering if it's allowed to do Any% (NR) without the speedrun timer because the glitch which skips levels can't be done whenever the speedrun option is on
nvm I just saw the vid I'll just use a timer that isn't from ingame