how to tape my run?
4 years ago
Santa Catarina, Brazil

hey im new to speedrun in general, i decided to start with helltaker, i didnt get how to film my runs, like what softwere i need and stuf, can anyone gime some help?

Santa Catarina, Brazil

well i think i just figured it out, i dont know im downloading OBS

An alternative is Shadowplay if you have an Nvidea Grafics Card Or using the integrated recording system in the xbox gamebar included in windows 10.

1. Fihite23 喜欢这个
Santa Catarina, Brazil

well this is sad, i aparently cant download OBS, my pc is to old, sad, i was exited to speedrun.

Santa Catarina, Brazil

actualy i think i just did it, after 4 days of updating this old piece of machinary, i downloaded it

Tokyo, Japan

If for whatever reason your pc can't run Helltaker and OBS simultaneously, you can search up "screen recorder" in the windows shop or the app store and download one off of there. They don't have as many features or are as good as obs but however, they most likely will work if they are listed to function with your pc specs and windows version. If your computer just can't record, the old "pointing-the-phone-camera-up-to-the-computer-screen" always works as it is not dependent on your computer but rather your cell.

Time Recalculations

Due to the inconsistency in the timing methods between some moderators we've started time recalculations in absolutely all runs. So don't worry if time or even place of your run has suddenly changed! We apologize for the inconvenience…

2 years ago
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发布于 3 years ago
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发布于 4 years ago
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