2 years ago
Ontario, Canada

Am I blind or is there not a 100% category? We at least need one for a collectibles run.

Slaker 喜欢这个

I thought about this for a while. I can easily see a collectables run category but 100% would be completing all the challenges per level. My only annoyance with that is on every level one of the challenges is to complete it newtonian. I wasnt sure if we should just exclude that challenge from 100% to allow people to use different movements. But it is also conceivable to do all the levels in one movement type and then complete them after with newtonian. You could then have like a 90% (or whatever the percentage would be) category which excludes them and then the true 100%


This video is all achievements and challenges. Do we need to do something else? For example, "use a photo camera on Stage 1," "destroy lights outside the airlock on Stage 1," "use fireworks on Stage 3," etc.

Slaker 喜欢这个
Oklahoma, USA

We need a 100% catagory

Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France

Yeah, I don't see any issue having a 100% runtype containing only newtonian gamemode.



So I've run the numbers.

39 Level Tasks + 21 Challenges = 60 Things. I believe that is a true 100%. Removing Newtonian challenges (60-7) would result in an 88% type thing.

There is a challenge in Vision which tells you to make the Telescope without using the crane arms but a mission objective is to repair the crane arms. I wonder if repairing the crane arms then fails that challenge. I'll see if I can test at some point this week. If we allow skipping that mission objective then it would become a 98% run.

Slaker 喜欢这个

When one of the crane arms was repaired, the "no crane" mission was unattainable.

But you can complete every mission in one play by fixing the crane arm after everything is done by hand until you "set up a space telescope."

Tanner07 Slaker 喜欢这个
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France


Any news on the release of this category? I'm highly interested. ^^


I am almost ready to add this. I just want people's thoughts on if 100% has to be run on Newtonian for the Newtonian challenges or if you run on Assisted/Normal you do not have to complete those challenges.

Slaker 喜欢这个
Oklahoma, USA

I feel it should be run on Newtonian. If people want to run each level twice, assisted and Newtonian to make it easier, that's fine too

Slaker 喜欢这个
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France

Heyy, I know it's been a while, but I show interest in running a 100% run! :)

If by any chance, you got the time to implement it, it would be awesome. Thanksss!

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