Haven Discord is now open !
4 years ago
Bretagne, France

Hey there, Cisco here.

I've opened a Discord server for Haven ! It's my first experience as Discord owner/creator, so it's a very basic one, hope you will enjoy it. https://discord.gg/KG7mbTMYGP Also, you may have noticed I've changed the background image. I've got a lot of beautiful images from the game files, so if you don't like this image, feel free to tell, and we'll see all together (as a future community ?) which image we can put !

PS : I'm not stealing anything because most of the images are available here : https://www.dropbox.com/sh/obrci4amb6ist8y/AADVyv4p8XWXijERVO03ycYDa?dl=0 I've taken them from the game files instead of the Dropbox because they are bigger in size and smaller in file size (Why ? Because.)

Bloupeuh 喜欢这个
Sweet Little Things

Hello everyone,

Back on September 30th, Haven got his first big update since the launch of the game, so why not do the same for the speedrun !

First of all, what's visible : the new background image ! It came from the new in-game gallery, and I couldn't resisit to put this beauty as our new ba

3 years ago
发布于 4 years ago
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