100% Vol. and 100% Series
4 years ago
Oregon, USA

So I've been playing .hack// since infection came out and just now learned about there actually being Speedruns of the games.

Now, what I've noticed is there isn't any 100% categories for any of the games and I was wonder why or if there was anybody who has even attempted it.

I can understand if nobody has, the book of 1000 stuff is horridly tedious, but.... If it is attempted and can be recorded, can that category be added, and how would one go about setting the rules for it? As for the subject of a whole series clear, that I can understand just being the combined times of each volume, as they are technically separate games, but with last recode they are all on the same start screen.

I know I'm asking alot of questions for my first day, but I'm actually kinda psyched about doing something fun with my time stuck home with the viral bullcrap going on.

New Jersey, USA

Well firstly welcome to the community, glad to have you here. In terms of 100% finishing some of the games, we had someone working on a "100% Run" for .hack//INFECTION, but unfortunately some of the requirements are quite literally game time. Also, since a lot of the requirements to finish those books also include enemy types, equipment, virus cores, data drains, and more, it started becoming an RNG hassle and less about a speedrun. It's partly why I kind of raged at .hack//QUARANTINE routing in general. For Rebirth, Redemption, and Reminisce, I'm not as sure about, but I'd wager they are similar in that they require a plethora of arbitrary completion that's a little hard to route. Totally open to the idea for the original 4, but figured I'd explain the experience the community has had with it so far. Well that and I think a lot of the community's interest was more aligned with routing for Mutation, Outbreak, Quarantine, and the GU Titles as Any% runs first.

BasedCaliBoy 喜欢这个
Oregon, USA

Thank you. Well, as I'm not keen to mess with emulators at this time, I could do some studying about Keywords and stuff and how to complete everything in a timely manner, and give a 100% Rebirth a go. As I said, literally nothing else productive to do with my time currently. Based on what I've heard, I have to set a basic time, and then beat it to make it a record. is that correct, don't wanna blindly go into this.

New Jersey, USA

Yes and no. Unfortunately, as I'm not a mod for this category due to my lack of time invested into the GU games, I can't speak to blindly on it in terms of it being a category. The other problem is what defines 100% in any of the .hack// games. If you like, we do have a Discord where we chat about this kind of stuff and more if you want to try and reach out to more of the GU community specifically. You can see that link here - https://discord.gg/kB9jXJ


It's definitely an idea that's been discussed between a couple of us already and we have some notes in place, but any organized attempt of it is gonna be take a while. But I second Roy, join the Discord! There's a handful of us active that can answer any questions you could have. :)

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