NG+ (New Game Plus) Category?
10 years ago
Norfolk, England
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
10 years ago

I dunno if this is a new update thing or not, but I just noticed that if you start a new game after collecting all the star seeds, you can put on the Ninja skin in that new game through the menu, although putting it on and then starting a new game doesn't keep it on, unfortunately. The skin gives you the ability to jump twice as high, so maybe this might help a little bit? Someone should play around with it and see if it does, and if they want to run it I can add it as a separate category.

The update also added another locked skin, which I shall assume you get by completing the new Data Bank collection, but I don't know what that is yet.

EDIT: Seems like the new skin is called "Native B.U.D." although I don't know what it does yet.

Portland, OR, USA

I will try a run with each, however I just unlocked Native B.U.D. and his power is that he can ride the branches for twice as long... I'm going to try a run with him right now. I think Native B.U.D. is going to be the only one that makes a big difference in times.

Portland, OR, USA

Alright my run with Native B.U.D. was around 15:10. It wasn't even a great run since it was my first go at it but he is clearly much quicker. It seems his branches move a bit slower though.

Norfolk, England
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
10 years ago

Thanks for testing that stuff out (and setting a new WR at the time Kappa ).

I thought about how we should categorise this and decided to just make an "Any% (NG+)" category. If you wanted to try this with All Star Seeds too, I could make a "All Star Seeds (NG+)" as well, but I won't do that until someone wants it. For NG+ you are allowed to do anything you want with the skins you've unlocked, so you could use both, at different times, if you felt you wanted to. I've added your time/video from above to the new category as well.

I thought that having this one category for this would be better than having a load for each category AND each skin, if someone chose to use another one. Also a lot less arbitrary.

I've also updated the rules on the other categories to say you can start a new game while having an old save file, as long as you don't use any skins you have unlocked on the old save file.


I had no idea Native B.U.D existed. How do you unlock him? I think using ninja B.U.D might be good for the beginning up until you reach the first branch.

Norfolk, England
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
10 years ago

As I said in my original post, they added him in the last update, which was 4 days ago.

You unlock him by completing the data bank in the pause menu, which is also a new thing in the update.

Fun Fact: the Native B.U.D. skin was already a Steam trading card before this, so the devs already intended to have this as a skin before release I imagine.

Norfolk, England
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
9 years ago

There was a new update today, and it seems like the main/only thing that was added is new skins, but as the update announcement says: "New skins do not have new abilities, they are aesthetic only". I guess this means you could use them for Any% speedruns if you want to, so I might need to rewrite the rules a little.

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