Golf Story - Any% (Glitched) Speedrun
Golf Story - Any% (Glitched) Speedrun
更新时间 6 years ago RepentMF

golf story 1.0.1 any%

07/16/2018 --- ¤PLACE¤ --- ¤Upcoming list of tasks/ split (assume all tasks are in order unless stated otherwise) --- -- Major Task --- - Minor Task --- >> receive --- << give

*Time start is on selecting "New File" -- Play through the intro (chip-in the second hole) -- Leave your house

¤WELLWORN GROVE¤ -- Run north and meet the cast

¤Collect $14.45

  • Hit water buoy (above entrance sign in central Wellworn Groves, or WW)


  • Throw ball at pole (bottom right of central WW)

red flag -Bandana guy (top of central WW, bald no shirt) $4.32

  • Tee Shot (top left of central WW, blue bandana)


  • Search the golf carts (mid left of central WW)

$0.50 cents each

  • Greenseeking Missiles (west area of WW, only person there)

$3 first time

  • Search practice hole golf cart (west WW)

$1.54 -- Talk to Lara (middle of central WW, dark pink hair) -- Go to Lucky's office (left room, top left door) << $14.45 ¤Coach's Gauntlet -- Do Coach's Target Challenge (east WW, sunglasses and whistle) -- Do Teddy's Challenge (east WW, red hair green shirt) -- Do Lara's Challenge (middle of central WW, dark pink hair) -- Do Nathan's Challenge (middle of central WW, clubhouse, right room, green shirt blue hair) -- Go to Coach's office (left room, top right door) -- Go to the pro shop (mid left of central WW)

  • Buy the discs << $11.00 -- Play a round of golf at WW (grey hat, orange shirt) << $10.50 -- Go to Lucky's office (middle of central WW, clubhouse, left room, top left door) -- Leave clubhouse, pause, select "Quit" and then select "To World" -- Go to Coldwind Wastes and perform the Overworld Barrier Skip/ Snow Skip (snow, south of WW)

¤COLDWIND WASTES¤ ¤Snowstorm -- Talk to the snow goer (middle of central Coldwind Wastes, or CW, sunglasses red scarf)

  • Get 3 cups (middle of central CW, clubhouse, top of first floor) -- Play a round of golf at CW (blue hair) -- Talk to the snow goer (middle of central CW, sunglasses red scarf)
  • Add cocoa 3 times (middle of central CW, clubhouse, left counter of second floor)
  • Add milk 3 times (top, fridge, of second floor)
  • Use microwave 3 times (middle of second floor) -- Give cocoa to cold people (middle of central CW, red toboggin, orange hair blue jacket, green jacket blue hair) -- Talk to the snow goer (middle of central CW, sunglasses red scarf) -- Talk to snow goer’s friend (middle of central CW, clubhouse, orange hair blue jacket) -- Use snowmobile (middle of central CW) -- Collect 900 golf balls, no keys required -- Use the snowmobile (bottom middle of west CW) -- Talk to the snow goer (middle of central CW, sunglasses red scarf)
  • Light fires (bottom middle of central CW, top left of central CW, top right of central CW, bottom right of central CW, woodstack; you can use the Lightning Wedge on the firewood without having it in your inventory) -- Unfreeze the snow goer’s friend (middle of central CW, icicle) -- Unfreeze and sink secret holes (northwest of the pro, far southeast of the pro, then northwest of the clubhouse) -- Unfreeze the pro (top right of central CW, icicle; 1/5 meter, 1/3 meter, then ½ meter for his challenge) -- Talk to the pro (top right of central CW, white visor white golfing tee) -- Talk to the snow goer’s friend (middle of central CW, orange hair blue jacket) -- Use snowmobile (middle of central CW) -- Talk to the bandit (far left of west CW, bandit hideout, top left of bandit hideout) -- Play the bandit in a match -- Pause, select “Quit” and then select “To World” -- Go to Lurker Valley (orange and red grass, west of WW)

¤LURKER VALLEY¤ ¤Return the Idol -- Talk to Lara (middle of Lurker Valley, or LV, dark pink hair) -- Hit balls into lake (west LV, only person there) -- Do the Footrace (middle of LV, brown shaggy hair and club over back) -- Play Wee Links vs Lara (middle of central LV, dark pink hair, play the hole closest to you on holes 1-3) -- Best grass events (east LV, dark brown hair shirtless and then black hair shirtless) -- Buy the Digging Wedge and equip it (middle of central LV, equip with D-Pad Right) -- Retrieve baby turtles (above archeologist, below hole 3 tee-off, top bunker, above hole 5 tee-off, above hole 7 tee-off all in central LV) -- Talk to the archeologist (middle of central LV, with the shovel) -- Dig for treasure and only open the last chest (in the bone circle, in the deep rough northwest of the middle bunker, in the claw-shaped bunker of the middle rough, northeast of the bunker near the green all in east LV) -- Return baby turtles to yellow circles (west LV) -- Bounce golf balls off the turtles (west LV, only person there) -- Return the Idol (middle of central LV, blonde hair and wearing green) -- Play a round of golf at LV (middle of central LV, pro shop, purple hair behind the counter) -- Leave clubhouse, pause, select "Quit" and then select "To World" -- Go to WW

¤WELLWORN GROVE¤ -- Talk to person in front of club house (middle of central WW, black hat long hair) -- Play disc golf (top right of central WW, orange cone hair, then blue hair, then orange cone hair) -- Go to Lucky's office and talk to Lucky x2 (middle of central WW, clubhouse, left room, top left door, bald and sunglasses) -- Play out the LV competition (15 points, then bounce off of the turtle for the win) ¤THE FOLLOWING DAY... -- Go to WW -- Talk to Coach (middle left of central WW, sunglasses and whistle) -- Go to the soda bar (bottom left of central WW)

  • Buy a soda << $3.54 -- Learn the hot potato shot -- Go to WW -- Talk to the greenkeeper (middle right of central WW) -- Go to the greenkeeper's shack and talk to the greenkeeper (middle right of central WW, colorful bandana and beard) -- Hit the molerat balls to the molerats (5 in west WW, then 5 in east WW) -- Go to the greenkeeper's shack and talk to the greenkeeper (middle right of central WW, colorful bandana and beard) -- Hit 6 skeletons -- Use the computer (middle of central WW, clubhouse, left room) -- Go to the greenkeeper's shack and talk to the greenkeeper (middle right of central WW, colorful bandana and beard) -- Leave the greenkeeper’s shack, pause, select "Quit" and then select "To World" -- Go to Cheakybeak Peak Disc Golf Course (dark grass and disc golf hole, south of WW)

¤CHEEKYBEAK DISC GOLF COURSE¤ -- Play all 3 of the golf disc players events (middle of Cheekybeak Peak Disc Golf Course) -- Pause, select "Quit" and then select "To World" -- Go to Cheekybeak Peak (dark grass, south of WW)

¤CHEEKYBEAK PEAK¤ ¤Cheekybeakemic -- Try to play a round of golf at CB (top middle of central CB, pro shop, wearing orange) -- Help 5 people (green speech bubbles)

  • Bank the baubles (middle right of central CB, blonde hair pink dress)
  • Replacement Eggs (middle of central CB, orange hair purple headband; blue fake balls left of central CB, red fake balls top left of central CB, green fake balls bottom left of central CB)
  • Sink or Fly (top left of central CB, blonde hair pink dress; slight left + ZR putt)
  • Will not be deterred (left of central CB, red/ green headband; aim @ 2nd bird + ZR meter ~halfway)
  • Cheekybeak Research (top left of west CB, only person there) -- Talk to Yvonne (top middle of central CB, wearing orange) -- Return the 5 colors of cheekybeak eggs (top middle of central CB NE bound, then middle right of central CB bound east, then bottom right of central CB SE bound, next top left of central CB west bound, finally top left of central CB NE bound) -- Talk to Yvonne x2 (top middle of central CB, wearing orange) -- Talk to the blacksmith (left middle of CB, beard and hammer hand) -- Talk to the greenkeeper (left middle of CB, red cap and beard) -- Go to WW

¤WELLWORN GROVE¤ ¤I STOLE YOUR COACH -- Talk to Coach (east WW, sunglasses and whistle) -- Leave the clubhouse, pause, select "Quit" and then select "To World" -- Go to LV (orange and red grass, west of WW)

¤LURKER VALLEY¤ -- Talk to Coach (middle of central LV, sunglasses and whistle) -- Play a match against Yvonne and Lara ¤WELLWORN GROVE¤ -- Talk to the greenkeeper x2 (middle right of central WW, colorful bandana and beard)

  • Do the timed mowing event -- Go to Bermuda Isles (sand, north of WW)

¤BERMUDA ISLES¤ -- Perform the Fami Barrier Glitch on Max’s bodyguard (top left of central Bermuda Isles, bandana and sunglasses) -- Do the Hot Potato Shot (hold Y, then A... timing!) -- Pause, select “Quit” and then select “To World” -- Go to WW

¤WELLWORN GROVE¤ ¤The beginnings of a pro -- Talk to Lucky (middle of central WW, clubhouse, left room, top left door, bald and sunglasses) -- Talk to Coach (east WW, sunglasses and whistle) -- Talk to Lucky (east WW, bald and sunglasses) -- Talk to Coach (middle of central WW, clubhouse, left room, top right door, sunglasses and whistle) -- Go to WW -- Win the WW Open (<= +1 to win) -- Get dad’s Power Glove (top left room, second box from the right) -- Leave the house -- Leave the clubhouse, pause, select "Quit" and then select "To World" -- Go to Tidy Park (yellow walkway, far north of WW)

¤TIDY PARK¤ ¤Getting vintage -- Talk to punk kid (bottom middle of central Tidy Park, or TP, orange hat) -- Talk to everybody except for the pianist, the far top righthand person and far bottom righthand person -- Talk to the owner (top middle of TP clubhouse, white blazer white hair) -- Talk to Yvonne until you’re out of lessons (middle of central TP, brown hair orange shirt) -- Buy the antique irons and putter (bottom right of central TP, proshop) -- Leave the proshop, pause, select “Quit” and then select “To World” -- Go to LV (orange and red grass, west of WW)

¤LURKER VALLEY¤ -- Talk to the archeologist (middle of central LV, with the shovel) -- Dig for the antique club (top right of central LV in the bunker) -- Pause, select “Quit” and then select “To World” -- Go to WW

¤WELLWORN GROVES¤ -- Talk to the archaeologist (bottom left of central WW, soda bar, bottom left, with the shovel) -- Leave the soda bar, pause, select “Quit” and select “To World” -- Go to Oak Manor (purple grass, far northwest of WW)

¤OAK MANOR¤ -- Unlock the front gate (very bottom of Oak Manor, or OM)

  • Tee up at holes 1-3 (follow the course) (The following tasks can be done pretty intermittently or out of this specific order, as every task must get done in preparation to play on the OM course) -- Pick up 5 Icky Eyes (top left of OM)
  • Tee up at hole 6 (follow the course) -- Talk to the mastermind x2 (top left of OM, blue hair) -- Hit an eye into the minion (top left of OM) -- Talk to the mastermind (top left of OM, blue hair) -- Hit an eye into a minion (middle left of OM)
  • Tee up at hole 4 and 5 (follow the course) -- Talk to the orange gravestone (top right of OM)
  • Tee up at hole 9 (follow the course) -- Talk to green gravestone (middle right of OM)
  • Tee up at hole 7 (follow the course)
  • Hit an eye into a minion x2 (top right of OM)
  • Tee up at hole 8 (follow the course) -- Talk to red gravestone (middle right of OM)
  • Hit chicken legs into the water -- Try to move cross (bottom right of OM)
  • Break 5 mineral deposits -- Talk to the blacksmith (bottom right of OM, beard and hammer hand) -- Talk to the red gravestone (middle right of OM)
  • Spark the lawn mowers -- Talk to the green gravestone (middle right of OM) -- Talk to the orange gravestone (top right of OM) -- Talk to the blue gravestone (middle left of OM) -- Dig up the fake minion (top left of OM)
  • Hit a fake eye into the minion (top left of OM) -- Play a round at Oak Manor (top left of OM, blue hair) -- Dig up and get the mansion key -- Get the vintage woods (top left of OM, mansion, top left room, second box from the right)
  • Get the ghostly tee (top left of OM, mansion, middle right of right room, middle box) -- Leave the mansion, pause, select “Quit” and then select “To World” -- Go to Lorraine’s Office (blue grass building, northwest of WW)

¤LORRAINE'S OFFICE¤ -- Leave Lorraine’s Office -- Go to BI (sand, north of WW)

¤BERMUDA ISLES¤ -- Play a match against Max (bottom middle of central BI, glasses and hair bun) -- Pause, select “Quit” and then select “To World” -- Go to Lorraine’s Office (blue grass building, northwest of WW)

¤LORRAINE’S OFFICE¤ -- Leave Lorraine’s Office -- Go to WW

¤WELLWORN GROVES¤ -- Go to Lucky's office (middle of central WW, clubhouse, left room, top left door) -- Leave the clubhouse, pause, select “Quit” and then select “To World” -- Go to CB (dark grass, south of WW)

¤CHEEKYBEAK PEAK¤ -- Play Lucky in a match (top middle of central CB, proshop, bald and sunglasses) -- Leave the pro shop, pause, select “Quit” and then select “To World” -- Go to TP (yellow walkway, far north of WW)


  • Dig up the Puddle Wedge (middle right of central TP) -- Talk to the rude member (middle of central TP, white cap white golf tee) -- Talk to Coach (middle of central TP, clubhouse) ¤The murder of Jerome -- Talk to everybody except the pianist (every individual character, 21 characters) -- Look at the strange painting (bottom right room) -- Grab the sauna key (bottom right hand hall, check the plant) -- Go into the left most door and talk to the owner (bottom right room) -- Go into the right most door, play the yellow flag hole (bottom right room, second bag from the top for the yellow ball) -- Eavesdrop on the old woman (top middle room, second table from the right and bottom) -- Go to the sauna and get the blue ball (top left room, only top door, colorful bandana and beard) -- Grab the working bell (top left room, on the righthand side of the counter) -- Order a chamomile soda (bottom left, person behind counter) -- Deliver the chamomile soda (center room, old lady behind counter) -- Place the new bell (center room, top left of the counter) -- Get the vinegar (top right room, in the fridge) -- Play the blue flag hole (top right room) -- Deliver dinner (red head in top right room, always return to top right room for more food: top middle room, center room , bottom left room, bottom right room, far top left room, finally center room) -- Place the vinegar on the bookshelf (center room, top left) -- Ring the new bell (center room, top left of the counter) -- Talk to Lara (center room, dark pink hair) -- Get the red ball (bottom right room, left most door, washing machine) -- Play the red flag hole (top left room) -- Grab the book (top left room, top left of the room) -- Deliver the book (center room, old lady behind counter) -- Find the green ball (middle right of central TP, group of people) -- Play the green flag hole (middle of central TP, bottom right room, up the stairs) -- Enter the new room where the painting fell -- Talk to Coach (middle of central TP, sunglasses and whistle) -- Go to TP (yellow walkway, far north of WW) -- Win the TP Gentleman’s tournament (<= -4)

¤My first day as a pro -- Go to TP (yellow walkway, far north of WW) -- Play Dusty in a match (top middle of TP, grey hair and mustache) -- Pause, select “Quit” and then select “To World” -- Go to Blue Moon Dunes (blue grass, far southwest of WW)

¤BLUE MOON DUNES¤ -- Play Lara in a match (bottom right of Blue Moon Dunes, or BD, dark pink hair) -- Play Junior in a match (middle of BD, white visor white golfing tee) -- Show the BD owner your match cards (middle of BD, clubhouse, behind the desk)

¤THE DAY OF THE BIG TOURNAMENT! -- Go to BD (blue grass, far southwest of WW) -- Talk to the owner (middle of BD, clubhouse, behind the desk) -- Win the BD Invitational tournament (< 0) *Time stop is on the “Victory” title

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