Post your dual analog speedruns here.
6 months ago

This thread is for advanced players who speedrun the game with the default dual analog control which fixes the dreaded strafe running glitch and makes the game much harder. It also makes it way more realistic since now Bond runs like an actual human instead of a crab in a diagonal, and cant outpace the tank in the streets level by using his secret crab like abilities. It also fixes the tank controls which are mario kart like with dpad, where the tank moves faster when it turns instead of slowing- another effect of the glitch.

Here are some of my best runs:

编辑者 作者 6 months ago
Portland, OR, USA

Not a glitch

编辑者 作者 6 months ago
EliDark7, syylent_ 2 其他 喜欢这个

It is a glitch and a cheat, even Valentin says so:

编辑者 作者 6 months ago
_Baps_ 喜欢这个

How can anyone say its not a glitch, especially now that it has been fixed with dual analog control ? Do you really think that Rare devs were so retarded that they could not increase the max forward speed instead of forcing the player to run in a diagonal and look at the walls in order to move 40% faster ? Why would they introduce such a horrific game mechanic when they could simply increase the forward moving speed, or implement a dedicated run button ?

编辑者 作者 6 months ago
Portland, OR, USA

Not a glitch. You're a moron

Tripster 喜欢这个

You have no argument. Retard

编辑者 作者 6 months ago
Portland, OR, USA

LOL I already destroyed your "logic" but ok let's recap:

  1. If the Rare devs thought strafe running was a glitch they would've removed it from PD. They did not and were 100% aware of the mechanic. Do you really think they didn't know? Instead of facing reality, you seem to have convinced yourself it must have been an accident ON BOTH GAMES. Pure delusion.

  2. You claim it is unrealistic for Bond to move faster than the tank. It's a video game dude, not a fucking realistic secret agent simulator or whatever you think it is. There are plenty of things that happen in this game that are unrealistic, such as Bond carrying 500 bullets and 20 guns, being able to take multiple bullets without falling to the ground, just to name a couple.

  3. You say it is "fixed" with dual analogs but there are others such as Eli that have found a way to make strafe running work on Xbox without using the DPAD. I think they use a 3rd party controller or something idk nor do I care

What else did I miss?

编辑者 作者 6 months ago
syylent_ Tripster 喜欢这个
  1. I think Rare were aware of the glitch when they were working on PD, but they either forgot to fix it or didn't bother fixing it because they knew some stupid people who think it's a great 'game mechanic' would complain and trash the game.

  2. But why isn't the default moving speed faster than the tank then ? Seems like Rare deliberatelly set the forward speed slower than the tank, and put the tank in that level deliberately to complete the level with the tank. That's why it's shown at the end of the level everytime, regardless if you used it or not. I didnt say its a simulator, but a way more realistic shooter compared to Doom, Turok, Quake, and other fast paced Sci-Fi shooters.

  3. So what if a third party controller can activate the glitch? You can also activate cheats with third party controllers. The fact is you cant activate it with the XBOX dual analog controller, because it has been fixed. And if you dont use the original controller you should be disqualified. Because custom controllers can be programmed to do lots of things, including aimbot and other cheats:

So that's how he beat my Fac time...I was sure he was using some trick.

编辑者 作者 6 months ago
Albany, NY, USA

@marvas don’t insult me like I’m some chump I did no strafe fac 57 00 agent with an original series x controller bud & did no strafe run idk what the fuck you are talking about lmao you can strafe run “glitch” with a regular series x controller too bud … only reason why you can’t because your analog ain’t fully extended

Also I smoked your train 1:09 with ease & got bunker 00 1:25 I really don’t care about playing this way shit is boring as fuck

You know how I get down you want to troll I got you bud thought we were past this bringing up bullshit I’m not the fucking one.Keep my name out your mouth dude.

编辑者 作者 6 months ago
IllusiveV2 喜欢这个
Albany, NY, USA

Always looking for excuses why somebody beat your time insecure as fuck. I’m not the one I’ve been nice & cordial with you but now your pushing it.

syylent_ 喜欢这个
Albany, NY, USA

Train Analog 1:02 no strafe i could get under 1:00 & more like this it was lightwork

编辑者 作者 6 months ago
Albany, NY, USA

Streets 00 Agent 2:23 no Strafe analog & show regular series x controller at the end another bop

编辑者 作者 6 months ago
Albany, NY, USA

want me to continue? I will go in or have I made my point lol i'll probably get archives next session easy put some respect on my name when you talk about me

编辑者 作者 6 months ago
Tripster IllusiveV2 喜欢这个

I didn't insult you champ, this guy said you found a way to straferun by using dual analog, and that by using a third party controller. And the third party controller which is in the link above looks identical to the xbox one. You can only strafe run by using DPAD with the standard Xbox controller, not with dual analog which is the default control scheme for the game.

编辑者 作者 6 months ago

Did you see how they beat my streets agent 1:27 dual analog time ? They used DPAD which makes the tank go faster when it turns, due to the same glitch which increases the speed diagonally, whereas with dual analog it slows down when it turns. When I used DPAD I got 1:20, because the tank handles like a go kart. So how is this an excuse on my part ?

编辑者 作者 6 months ago

This guy brought it up man, I don't make up shit to troll you. If you found a way to straferun by using dual analog, like he says, then you will automatically straferun when you move the analog diagonally. So for example when you go down or up the stairs in facility you will have 40% more speed, and even if you dont use it the rest of the time you will be faster than me by 2 secs or 3.

编辑者 作者 6 months ago

you can strafe run “glitch” with a regular series x controller too bud … only reason why you can’t because your analog ain’t fully extended

So you admit you modded your controller to enable strafe running with dual analog ? You are soooo disqualified.

My analog is working just fine lol, just as it is in every other game which doesnt have this stupid glitch and where you dont move 40% faster just because you point the stick in a diagonal. Maybe you should tell Microsoft that they should fully extend their analogs cause that's how it's done.

The reason why they don't fully extend it is EXACTLY to prevent that stupid glitch. Like doooh !

But you I mean Grasslu has found a way to glitch it like a boss, and become world champions at the 'son of a glitch' category.

编辑者 作者 6 months ago

So you use a modded 'fully extended' controller because you cant run with the standard 'not fully extended' controller, and I'm insecure ?

If you use a modded controller your times dont count because you are disqualified from the start. Ask the mods, modded controls are banned in speedrunning if they do any things that the standard ones cannot.

Unless the community and the rules for the game say otherwise, you can use whatever controller is confortable to you'. The only generally accepted rule is that the controller can't do anything the standard way of playing cannot.

The standard dual analog control can't do any straferunning, so go figure.

编辑者 作者 6 months ago

And I quote "Maybe you should tell Microsoft that they should fully extend their analogs cause that's how it's done.

The reason why they don't fully extend it is EXACTLY to prevent that stupid glitch. Like doooh !"

So from what I understand your saying is that Microsoft completely puts every other game too the side to handicap all other games with there controllers just to keep this game like that? And I'm sorry your wrong. Before we even made the leaderboard for this port I was straferunning on an unmodified stock xbox controller that came with the xbox. It's not a glitch... not a cheat... you don't have to hack a controller... it's intentionally in the game. I'm sorry.

EliDark7 IllusiveV2 喜欢这个

As entertaining as this thread has been i believe this has become to political for this platform. If anyone feels the need to continue to talk about this you can 100% do so in the discord.

But to answer marvas question short, No the category will not be added mainly because this leaderboard is just a mirror of the og leaderboards and unless this demanded request is sought after by a majority of the players on the leaderboard it will not be added.

EliDark7, guardofthecube 2 其他 喜欢这个