Category Terms
Any% - Complete the goal as fast as possible using any means possible.
Any% Glitchless - Complete the goal as fast as possible without using glitches.
100% - Complete everything in the game as fast as possible.
Deathless - Complete the game without dying as fast as possible.
Warpless - Complete the game without using warps as fast as possible.
Low% - Complete the game doing as little as possible.
Longplay - A Speedrun with no focus on speed.
RTA (Real Time Attack) - A Speedrun counted in “real time” instead of an in game timer.
IGT (In Game Time) - A Speedrun counted from an in game timer implemented in the game.
NG+ (New Game Plus) - A Speedrun completed using items and/or bonuses carried over from other playthroughs of a game.
Reverse Boss Order - A Speedrun making you complete the bosses in opposite order.
OOB (Out Of Bound) - Getting outside of the normal boundaries of a game.
Blind Run - Speedrunning a game for the first time not knowing what will happen.
Blindfolded Run - Speedrunning a game literally blindfolded.
TAS (Tool assisted speedrun/superplay) - A theoretically perfect or high level gameplay made using the help of tools, such as frame advance, savestates slowdown, etc.
Leaderboard Terms
WR - World Record
TWR - Tied World Record
Sub## - When a run is sub a certain time, it usually means it is respectable. When a runner says they are going for Sub-20 minutes it usually means that any time under 20 minutes is a decent run.
Strat - Strategy
Safe Strat - A safer strategy.
Marathon Strat - A safer but slower strategy used in marathons.
Marathon - A speedrunning event in which many runners get together to run many games one after another.
Route - A planned path for the speedrunner to follow.
PB - Personal Best
IL - Individual Level
FPS - Frames Per Second
Retiming - The action of using tools to analyze a video and see the precise time of a run.
Retime Tools - Tools to help retime a run. Some examples are Somewes Retime Tool, Better Speedrun Timer, amd Slushpuppie's Retime Tool
Running Terms
Buffer - Inputting an action while another is still going on.
Pause Buffer - Buffering a command out of a paused game.
Clip - Clipping is the act of going through something that should be solid.
Death Abuse - Dying in a speedrun specifically to get some sort of advantage.
Emulator - Any program used to mimic a game console.
RNG - Random Number Generator
RNG Manipulation - Manipulating a game’s random number generating algorithm to make what should be unpredictable predictable.
Save State - An emulator’s ability to save the game at any point in time and revert back to it instantly.
Save Warp - Reloading a game to restart at a save point because it is faster than traveling there normally.
Soft Lock - A state the game is in and also soft lock doesnt prevent you from completing a game as for example restarting the game most likely gets you out.
Hard Lock - Making a save file incompletable
Farming Terms
Mod Farming - Becoming a moderator of many games just to show on you profile that you moderate a lot of games. Very disliked by the community.
Post Farming - Making useless/a lot of threads, or posting nonstop so that you have a lot of posts on your profile. Very disliked by the community.
Run Farming - Running a lot of games/running very short categories to show that you have a lot of runs on your profile.
Game Farming - Running multiple games without trying to show that you have played a lot of games.
World Record Farming - Running many short and easy categories but trying to get a lot of world records.
Podium Farming - Running many short categories trying to get top 3 on those leaderboards to have a lot of podiums.
Category Farming - Running a lot of different categories from different games.
Farmington - A discord server for run farmers. A leaderboard showing top 50 (sometimes top 100) people for different farming categories. Game Terms
Category Extensions - A leaderboard meant for extra categories for a game or game series (usually meme categories).
Base Game - The main game of a series of games including Category Extensions, Custom Content, Fangames, etc.
Game Types: ROM Hack - A game that has been modified.
Modification - A game that has been modified on PC.
*Fangame - An unofficial game of an official game made by a different person/company. *
Webgame - A game found on the internet browser.
Pre-Release - A game that has been released early.
Mobile - A game that is found on a phone.
Expansion/DLC - Add-Ons to a game.
Multi-Game - Multiple games are being played.
Minigame/Gamemode - A mode that is played in the game and not the actual game.
Server/Map - A custom server or map made by a separate player.
Homebrew - Games made by unlicensed game programmers.
Sub-Game - A game within another game.
Profile Badges/People
@Pac - Previous owner of Made the site in 2013.
Site Staff - These are people work for Elo, have a SRC profile, and are an admin, they do either community or development work. The list of site staff are: @Lawliepop (CEO), @Camcorder (CTO), @Meta (Community manager), @starsmiley (Content moderator), @ioblank (UI/UX designer?), @KawaiiSocks , @lewisandspark (former staff), @MisterPip (former staff) @dev1lxx (former staff). @gfmidway (COO)
Original Donors - People who donated to the site before the company called "Elo" bought it. Some people include @4, @Slysonic, @Lor, and @Adamo
Speedrun Supporters - People who bought Speedrun supporter about a year after "Elo" bought the site. Some people include @Fioresa, @Act_, @YUMmy_Bacon5, and @CZX.
Translators - People who help translate the site. Some people include @Blantas, @hoxi, @YaLTeR, and @carska.
Elo - Newest owners of
Former Staff - People who helped run the site before "Elo" Some people include @Daravae , @ShikenNuggets , @Liv , @Dangerless , @Gyoo , @ShadowDraft , @Habreno , @R0main - FMod @Sjorec , @Oh_DeeR , @Seydie , @Tech , @garadas21 , @Meta , @starsmiley , @DarQ - CMod @kirkq - Admin (Planning) @SgtKabukiman - Admin (mostly handling backend/servers) @Volvagia - Admin (Coding/Planning)
@RWhiteGoose - Possibly helped with the idea and community outreach of the site when it was being set up.
Moderation Terms
Super Mod - The main mod(s) for a game, series, or marathon. A person who is a super mod has a red sword next to their name.
Regular Mod - Moderators for a game, series, or marathon with the same power as a super mod except they can’t add moderators and they can’t see the Audit Log. Someone who is a Regular Mod has a green sword next to their name.
Verifier - Someone who is only able to verify runs for a game. There are series with verifiers but they aren’t able to do anything. Someone who is a verifier have a wooden sword next to their name.
Series Mod - Someone who is a moderator of a series. This person can add games that are part of that series instead of having to request it.
Marathon Mod - Someone who is a moderator of a marathon.
Team - An organization of players who can make their own marathons.
@YUMmy_Bacon5 , @skyweiss , @SioN , @Kkntucara , @SkittlesCat , @RaggedDan , @Daravae
Nice glossary [quote=Act_]TAS (Tool Assisted Speedrun) - Speedruns created by advancing a game frame by frame in an emulator to ensure frame perfect inputs at all times.[/quote] This is kinda wrong lol TAS means tool assisted speedrun or superplay and there are multiple ways to create a TAS such as using slowdown.
[quote=Act_]Pac - Previous owner of[/quote] Can you please tag @Pac
Also I think it would be nice to have some sr.c game moderating terms such as base game, game types, variable, series, tags, sub-game, etc
and is "run farming" not disliked by the community? i think its absolutely stupid
@Act_ you can say where quotes are from so you don't need to @ me at the top
Also can you actually listen to my suggestion and edit what TAS means
@cheg 95% of it is my own work
@Blitz0 mod farmers don’t care that much about the games they moderate.
@YUMmy_Bacon5 fixed. Also currently working on src game moderation terms.
[quote]Soft Lock - A series of events that prevents a game from being completed.[/quote] soft lock isnt really a "series of events" but a state the game is in and also soft lock doesnt prevent you from completing a game as for example restarting the game most likely gets you out. a hard lock on the other hand makes a save file uncompletable.
Id add that wr farming, podium farming, game farming and category farming are like run farming but fot their respective categories
@Blitz0 No. If they are involved with the communities, they take care of them and they are good mods they are ok, but its hard to tell the difference
I never heard of podium farming before, and a few other terms, so I learned something new. Thanks for writing this out! I really needed this when I started my first speedrun ever, I was so lost what OOB, RTA and IGT meant back then.
Except for mod and post farming, I don't consider the run/game farming to be a bad thing. If you enjoy to run a lot of short games and a bunch of them, go for it.
it just seems wrong. when i see someones profile with 50billion games and runs it just looks like they dont care about the games/categories they run but just want a higher run count especially when all the runs are like 10 second long categories in webgames.
also @Act_ [quote]Soft Lock - Preventing a game from being completed unless you use restart the game.[/quote] a tiny mistake there :P
It's a very niche community within a niche community. I wouldn't say it particularly helps any games at all "exposure-wise" to have people pump out a run for it that also run a few hundred games but it's also not hurting anyone. I personally don't request games on here unless I've gotten to a point where I'm taking the game more seriously, just to respect the time of the folks that have to approve games, but some folks feel differently.
It's definitely not for me but unless people are spamming game requests and abandoning boards it's kinda whatever.
Why would you copy and paste what I put for TAS, I didn't even give a proper definition lol. So here is one
- TAS (Tool assisted speedrun/superplay) - A theoretically perfect or high level gameplay made using the help of tools, such as frame advance, savestates slowdown, etc.
- Change sub-games to Sub-games - A game within a series, or games with the same base game (Someone please come up with a better expiation)
- Add Elo Entertainment Inc. to this list
- And add the definition for game types and fix the definitions for the individual game type
2nd page
Retiming: The action of using tools to analyse the video and see the precise time of the run Retiming tools: The tools used to retime a run such as
- (the slushpuppy retime tool, please add the link)
- (the mattbraddock yt retime, please add the link)
Please update my name to say "YUMmy_Bacon5"
Change "ELO" to "Elo", it is not stylised as the former
Speedrun Supporters need to be updated
Add Elo Entertainment Inc. to the list, where the text should be linked to their website
Add SRC (aka SR.C) to the list
Link the Farmington text with its Discord
Link the "Slushpuppy’s Retime Tool" text with its website
Change site staff to: "Site Staff - These are people work for Elo, have a SRC profile, and are an admin, they do either community or development work. The list of site staff are: @Lawliepop (CEO), @Camcorder (CTO), @Meta (Community manager), @starsmiley (Content moderator), @ioblank (UI/UX designer?), @dev1lxx (Email support?)"