I became a mod and can't verify my pending runs

That. The runs don't appear on the game to verify but I get to them from my profile, 'pending actions' segment.

I get in them, click on the 'verify' item and this sign appears:

"Error You do not have permission to verify this run."

...does it have solution or I should repost them all?

PD: in case anyone is interested, game is Dune 2000.

编辑者 作者 2 years ago

You're listed as a "verifier" for that game. Verifiers can't verify their own runs, only mods & super mods can do that. See the "Moderator Permissions" here.

编辑者 作者 2 years ago

Ok... so then I don't know what's the point of making me a "verifier" while my runs are still sitting for three months without being veryfied by nobody...

WanderAgro 喜欢这个

Did you get added as a verifier by making a request through the support hub, or by one of the moderators of the game? I'd make another request of whoever did it, explaining the issue.


It was suggested to me to became a mod of the game via PM (of another mod), since the three mods were kinda inactive and campaign runs are long to watch/verify.

Someone tried to make me mod or something and failed because my account wasn't able back then.

Weeks passed and I finally upgraded my speedrun account to be able to be mod, applied for being a mod and was rejected because "there are already active mods".

WanderAgro 喜欢这个
Iowa, USA

message the current mods to either promote you or verify your runs.

If they don't respond, message site staff or make a support ticket

grntsz, Oh_my_gourdness 2 其他 喜欢这个

Hi everyone, verifiers of the support ticket asked me for screenshots of the data talked... but the site doesn't allow to add pictures there nor in this forum... also I have not an account anywhere to upload pictures...

Any web site free to upload images, without annoying subcriptions???


Reddit or Tumblr are also good image uploading sites

United States

9 months old.

grntsz Matias_daisenryaku 喜欢这个