Currently looking to start my speedrunning hobby, and im looking for something really fun to start running that i can use keyboard mouse and of course windowed mode (for streaming, and live split purposes). I currently do not have any controllers compatible with PC at the moment and no capture card for streaming the moment :P any advice/input/suggestions is AMAZINGLY appreciated I'm a pretty avid gamer so everything is decently fun to me :)
well yea absolutely agree with you there 100%, but thats why i am asking for suggestions, i love pretty well every game and thats why i am having such a hard time deciding. So i feel if someone can suggest one or many and at LEAST one of those really peak my interest then i can really make a good decision. :)
There are a lot of topics about "Which Game to be speedran ?" everywhere on forums.
As a keyboard user, I would recommend Mega Man Rock Force, Toy Story 2, and Vice project Doom.